Member Since: 5/18/2007
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Recensione su METAL MANIAC:
n. 2 , Febbraio 2008
di Fabrizio Massignani, sez Subterranea
Che progetto strano. Quantomeno insolito, ma proprio tanto, per quello che normalmente passa su Subterranea. dall'incontro blues fra un milanese e uno spezzino, Kode offre cinque pezzi di un rock moderno innestato di ritmo. Che detto così vuol dire tutto e niente, solo che non è facile trovare le "soluzioni" da avvicinare alla band per spiegarne il sound, costruito su voce, chitarre e programming e saturo di trovate che vanno da Mike Patton al...Tom Jones di "Sex bombs", in un bizzarro incrocio fra Quintorigo e Alice in Chains (ma nessuna morbosità qua dentro). Stranissime anche le lyrics, ricercate, a volte ironiche e al limite del nonsense, calate in una produzione eccellente. Ne esce fuori un progetto molto interessante, non propriamente metal, certo, ma con canzoni ben curate che cercano di fuggire in ogni modo dalla regolarità , dal già sentito, dalla banalità che va in classifica. Anche se è lì, nelle charts, che un'idea come Kode (se questo fosse un mondo intelligente) dovrebbe davvero puntare.
Review on
Mi arriva il disco del progetto Kode, un lavoro autoprodotto
dal titolo omonimo.
L’art del disco mi invita da subito all’ascolto, non
perché mi colpisca particolarmente ma perché non
riesco a catalogare il prodotto e a percepire quello
che andrò ad ascoltare, ma immagino che si tratterà sicuramente di un qualcosa di sperimentale.
Parte la prima traccia, dal titolo “Curaâ€, sessione ritmica
gestita ottimamente attorno a sprazzi di chitarre
e programmazioni elettroniche, sonorità odierne
ben mescolate con ottimi sound e parti vocali
retrò capaci di portarci indietro nel tempo pur mantenendo
quella contemporaneità .
Con la seconda traccia “3 in me†i suoni si fa fanno
in un certo senso più crudi, raggiungendo un funky
rock con sonorità che a tratti potrebbero ricordare
i primi Red Hot Chili Peppers.
In “Klown†le ritmiche funky si accompagnano
perfettamente con ritmiche più psichedeliche, seventies,
ricordando in senso lato qualche lavoro dei Led
Nella quarta traccia le sonorità sembrano tendere a
discostarsi da quelle delle tracce precedenti, con una
base elettronica di partenza simil hip-hop per poi
sfociare, anche grazie alle linee di chitarra, in melodie
più pop/melodiche con sprazzi angosciosi. Ma
“Malessere†(così so chiama questa track del disco)
sembra essere solo una piccola parentesi di questo
Infatti con “Freak cheap†(quinta ed ultima traccia)
le sonorità tornano nuovamente ad essere quelle
delle prime tre tracce con una musica e linee vocali
che continuano a ricordare i Red Hot Chili
Un bel lavoro, questo dei Kode, ricco di note positive.
Forse l’unico neo, se proprio si deve trovare, è
nei testi, dal significato molto spesso scontato.
Review on, by Marco Campagna:
Ascolti il demo, e penseresti che la band “Kode†sia un gruppo già ben avviato e che cresce insieme da anni…e invece vieni a scoprire che è un progetto giovane, anzi giovanissimo…nato nella primavera del 2007, e ascolti ancora con più interesse i loro brani. Un sound sicuramente di alta qualità (e in questo c’è lo zampino di uno studio di registrazione - Drumcode Studio - che sa dove mettere le mani) e dei brani orecchiabili ma allo stesso tempo non scontati, non possono che far uscire un commento positivo su questa band. Il primo pezzo (“Curaâ€) è il cavallo di battaglia di questo demo. Con sonorità pop-rock e qualche accenno di elettronica, la canzone fila liscia senza stancare l’ascoltatore, mettendo in risalto soprattutto la forte personalità vocale del cantante (Ivan Gabbrielli), che sarà una costante dell’intero demo. Qualche “coro anni ‘80†nel ritornello, rendono ancora più orecchiabile e “simpatico†il pezzo. Il demo passa attraverso altri due brani (“3 in me†e “Klownâ€) dove da segnalare ci sono delle ritmiche sicuramente molto ben studiate per uscire un po dagli schemi, ma senza esagerare. Penultima traccia del demo è “Malessereâ€: un brano ansioso, e “scuro†che rispecchia perfettamente il titolo. Un intro che potrebbe tranquillamente fare da colonna sonora ai titoli di coda di un film horror, e un assolo di chitarra (di Antonello Pudva) a fine canzone molto tecnico ma allo stesso tempo che non va in contrasto con le emozioni trasmesse dall’intero brano. In coda “Freak Cheapâ€, un classico rock che viene rotto solo da un ritornello chiaramente ispirato alle sonorità di Marylin Manson, ma anche in questo caso una trovata che non stona. Tirando le somme, un giudizio più che positivo per questi ragazzi di La Spezia che hanno sicuramente lavorato bene e curato ogni minimo dettaglio con l’aiuto dello studio dove hanno registrato il demo. Una bella realtà italiana sicuramente da non perdere di vista.
Received reviews from Slicethepie (PLEASE VOTE FOR US!!!):
For Unconsciousness:
good emotional ominous lead in. very suspenseful, the singer has a good voice and a unique style vvery enjoyable piece of artwork here, sounds like it has hip hop influences, keep it up! thanks for posting on slice the pie!
Love the classical sounding vocals in the chorus section of this haunting song! Amazing harmonies which create such an excellent musical tension. The guitar solo is spine tingling and for me as it ends the song in an unfinished way, making you want for more. The overall sound reminded me of Depeche Mode with the early 80's musical feel about it. I love this song as it made me want to listen for more. A really great professional sound and nicely produced.
a very atmospheric spooky start to this one, building up in content gradually but effectively. Some good vocals and not a bad tune, though nothing hugely outstanding. A vague catchy feel but very slow paced. Great percussion and style.
Some fresh sonnding instruments with a rock an roll feel to it.good use of drums and rhyhm, very energetic a good song for a film.on advertisment on t.v,is that the direction they are looking to follow.
i was a fan of this track the vocals have a good sound and the lyrics are great. instrumentals are very emlodic and have a soft rock feel keep it up
I loved how this song started it just got me pumped.IMpressive track, it really was good. I loved your use of the beat and mixing it with your effects.That track was really good make more
Interesting instrumetnation in this track - like the little bells. Very different. The vocals are fairly good - nicely in tune throughout. The beeping sound makes me think of a radar... the song always sounds like it's building to something, but never really gets there. The words tumble seems to be acocmpanied with an odd break int he rhythm. Very clever
The vocals work well how they were introduced, the lyrics are good and the music is also good. The vocals and the music work very well together and there is a good sense of structure. The track is fairly original, though i can see some inspirations from other tracks. Overall a great track.
The intro to this song sounds a bit like a spaceship taking off, which then introduces the vocal sounding like a softer melodic James Hetfield mixed with a slightly Human League style vocal. All in all this is a bit of a downbeat depressive song which has its own audience. Probably aimed towards those ages between 13-16.
Really good, I love it! Starts slow and builds up, vocals are great, instrumental is amazing! Lyrics are good to, real classic!
there is an atmospheric build up withthe jangling sounds playing off that bassy synth. the punchy and pulsing drums build the atmosphere also. its a sort of 80s electronica style of voice but there are also interesting rock elements to the track as well. it makes for a good mixture of styles
I totally loved it! A+ for me you guys did a great job on this one i would buy this one no doubt! Please get a showcase! I want to tip you like 300 times ughguhgugh!!
You can only improve your Scout Rating if you leave a meaningful review.Keep up the great job! Tracks like this will go far! Believe me i know! The tracks you make will go far!
I like this track alot, it all fits together well and I think that I will tell my friends about this song. I will definately buy the album if it comes out and I would like to hear more from you guys.')
A catchy and rocking track that you soon find yourself toe tapping to the track. It sounds new and fresh and the artist has really pushed the boat out on this one. Its got a great beat/tempo running throughout the track and vocally it ticks all the boxes.
This song is a pretty good song, the echo effect as it seems was pretty good, Bravo. Well done.
The way the singers sing is interesting. I like it. They also used different musical instruments well. This made the music dynamic and beautiful.
reminded me of a 90's track, i found the track a bit bizarre, really enjoyed the vocals and the music play was quite good, just thought it took a while to get going.
A rock/indie track that was for once pleasent to listen too. Good clear lyrics and a good start for a new band
The track production sounds tight. The band sounds good, did their thing. The lyrics, eerie and all sound good and made sense
I like the contrast of the haunting sort of vocals over a creepy slow flowing backing track. There is tension build up and gives quite a cold feel with it.
good intro and i like the use of palm muting the bass with a very basic riff that is very effective. it sounds like a piece of early 90s music good use of lyrics
I love the hanting sound of this track i love the contrast of the soft classical music with the strong earthy vocalist i feel this elemtn works really really well. I think it is also very catchy in the beginning because of this. However towards the middle of the track the sound dampens and becomes a litle sultry on both of these elemtns this leads to loss of interest from the listener. good work over all
Very dark and moody music and reminisent of the 1980's. Interesting guitar work in the last minute of the song.
i think this is a good piece of music because of the repetitiveness. i think i am going to rate this song at a 8.
Good sounding tune from the start and does continue throughout the track that does have a great rhythm and a lot of different changes in level of pace of sound which reallly adds to the character of the tune. Vocals are okay and are very suited to this tune. Overall a nice track that i think has a slight appeal about it.
It has a gothic feel without the gloom but still with a little darkness behind then music. If you can understand that then you will understand this music. A great frontman is what makes a group but this is a complete set that you get. Everything under one roof. Put your faith in this mysterious sound.
Like early Nine Inch Nails, with the singer sounding quite a lot like Trent Reznor, this track starts out slow but then develops into a soaring rock song. Sounding quite quiet it is an accomplished track with great range. Slow tempo during verses rising during the choruses and breaks this drives the track along as does the great guitar work.
Well produced track. Nice mix of guitar style. Sounds a little mid-80's but thats not bad. A good mix of light and heavy styles. Gets you air drumming.
Nice rock song with great vocals that is easy to listen to
This has a very professional, commercial sound and would make a great contender for the rock charts. Unsure about the bizarre verse towards the middle which has tuneless vocals, however, the rest are great. Good perucussions and arrangements
I thought this song sounded quite good as the singer has a talanted voice. i think people of both genders will like this and also older people mainly
A song with quite an 80's and David Bowie influence riding on it. Great vocals which move from deep to something almost Meat Loaf like. Very nice.
I basically like this track. I'm not sure about the triangle towards the beginning and half way through - it seems very unplanned and haphazard. Also, in the second verse there's a strange synthesised sound which doesn't fit in. It sounds like the artist just threw in some sounds he/she liked. The song itself though is very good, and I think it would appeal to a rock/ metal audience, which is quite big at the moment. I definately think this song has appeal and I enjoyed listening to it
This is good solid track, sounds a lot like Depeche Mode, get the feeling they have heavily influence you guys which is a good thing, fantastic dark tune, I love the mystical feeling bought about by some of the sound effects as well, good job.
A lovely echoing,rumbling,wallowing opening piece. The vocals are almost chanted,slow and emotional. I like them. The backing vocals are very well balanced. This has an epic sound to it. I can imagine this used as a backing song on a fantasy type film. There are some lovely sound effects, metallic and hollow, ringing and bumbling and bright and sparkling. I could listen to this with my eyes closed and just watch the pictures.
Really good track. Has the feel of a future power ballad. The vocals are strong and clear although in places they are over powered by the backing track. The music itself is varied and prevents the track from becoming repetative. Overall the impression left with me is of a track that has been well written and a lot of time spent on getting the sound right.
itz a gd song the music iz wat i like the most the singin iz also gd but i like the music better but overall itz a gd song
This song reminded me of an alien invasion or a horror-flick at first, which isn't bad. The lyrics starting out in the background was a nice choice
A romantic rock song always sound a little more chessy than romantic songs in other genres. Yet, despite this is was a track that tried its best and succeded where many have failed
An interesting flow on the track, while it has a strong back beat the vocals are still the main focus. Giving rise to both relaxing and exciting feeling of what the future holds and dreams. Very good use of stronger and weaker sounds to keep the track interesting.
A good solid track good lyrics and vocals, a dark sounding song carried off really well.
A pretty good song with a good combination of instrumental and vocal, although the general direction of the song is slightly off. I would have liked it to tell a bit more of a stroy rather than just the monotone vocals that it appears to have. However it is very listenable to and I'm sure many fans of this genre will enjoy this song.
A powerful song. Great lead vocals, and lyrics. The instrumentals are good too, something a bit different. Excellent.
A good track for setting the mood for the party. Good work done
good basic track even with the slow pace it was quite rocking . there was a strong lead vocal and a good harmony in addition great rifts held the track together very deep and dark but enjoyable
the track begins with a really astmospheric opening. the sense of atmosphere carries throughout the song. this is very 80s electronic. it builds very well though and has a real sense of drama. theres a really good vocal performance as well
steady progressing rock tune that builds up to a powerfull chorus. not a catchy chorus but a well written piece of music that flows well. one of those rock ballards that u would love to get up on stage and play infront of thousands of lighters being held up.
The tension provided a nice way to open the ideas, could have been prolonged quite a while. Vocals were nicely placed, sang with emotion and fitting in the song well. The ideas were very simple but showed a nice amount of variation and uplifted well.
This has a very nice feel to it. The track itself is very well thought out, the arrangement is good and the tempo invites to listen closely to the lyrics. The music underlines theme and the slight rockiness gives it an interesting edge. I would file it somewhere near genesis and a slight touch of pink floyd.
This is metalica look-a-like song. This song makes me dream :D Good voices, good music, perfect!
I think that this is a pretty good relaxing song. I like the way that everything is put together and works really well. I think that the guitar playing is really good aswell.
Pearljam and Soundgarden tones but on a much softer scal
I loved your voice it was rich and it was made good use of in many guises on the track really interesting. The use of the female backing vocal only added to this. The instrumentilisation was full and well balanced. I loved the guitar solo in the track. I can’t image dancing to this track but it almost sounds like it could be used on a soundtrack to a really cool film to me???
the intro to the track was very space age, I liked the little tinklings for want of a better word they had a mystical feel to the track I loved the voice on the track it had a deep dark feel to it, I really enjoy this kind of track its got depth and feeling and is most of all different from the norm and that should be applauded
This song is immediately catchy and you find your self tapping away with your foot. It could be described as a throwback to 80's pop/rock - excellent. Good guitar solo, however a little too long - it did become dull.
This is definately one of those songs that gets stuck in your head, its got such a cathy beat and the singing is brilliant with the song, really great!
This has an extremely original and unique sound, though in a way it does remind me of some of pink floyds material. The backing is very atmospheric and some of the lead guitar parts are simple but hugely effective. There is not much development and the track does seem to sound the same all the way through, and therefore could do with breaking into a stronger and more powerful rhythm or change towards the end.
Really liked the sound of this, listened through the whole track, great solo near the end
I liked this track, and think that it would make a great film soundtrack! The use of instruments added interest to what could be a boring, lack-lustre production. I thought the intro was great, the lyrics showed great promise and the whole song was enjoyable and easy to listen to. Great guitar solo! Genuine talent here!
Hm I like that rumbling atmospheric intro and the high xylophone sound. The vocals are sort of forceful and straight faced. Th very strongest singing is very nice. Music is nice,rythmic and supporting of the song. I like the dream like psychadelic feel to this.
At first I'm thinking Retro Pop, then suddenly it Soft Rock Ballad. I'm not sure which it is! - maybe it defies pidgeon holeing ? Either way its a very good track, the music is deep and growly at times, whilst at others it is lifted with soaring guitar work and the twinkiling of bells. A very vell put together track, quite professionally done too. Highly recomended.
ok a bit of a hard one, i do like the style , the singer has a great voice with a lovely pitch , the backing track is really good , i think if i heard this track a number of times it would grow on my and for that i think this must be a pretty good song then, it has a good start a lovely middle and a good end , guess that is all we need to make a good song , overall a bit better than good track would but it if it was on sale
finally I song I liked tonight, liked your vocal style and the way you changed the vibe and tempo of the song throughout very well written and executed, good lyrics too tip on the way
Excellent Wow I love this song its excellent it is totally different and unique though it reminds me a bit of
Genesis it has a class of its own. This is definately the type of music I love to listen to it sounds totally
professional and I want to hear more of this it is very unique. This music offers something different to the
listener than usual music offers. I love the beat and the music carries you away. It also reminds me of
Floyd and there is nothing wrong with this. I love the guitar beautiful Floyd guitar.
i liked the tinkling intro in direct difference to the darker feel I loves rhe dark and gritty feel to the track almost as if it were underground i like moody tracks and this was definately it Enjoyable tune and vocals
I find this track difficult to review. It's diffirent to many other things I've heard, and I thought that a lot of things worked for it, such as the lyrics, the music and the vocals were good, but the overall sound reminded me a little of DUran Duran, whom I'm not that keen on! I thought the start of the track and the vocals sounded quite ghostly, not as harrowing as haunting, but slightly otherwordly. I liked this aspect of it, but it did give me the wiggins slightly!
Started off promising, grabbed my attention, dark vocals and guitars, kind of went a bit odd in the middle, but still a class track.
You have a very distinct style, definitely. I want to fault the song but can't actually pick out any outstanding bad parts. Production and structuring are very strong. Great variation. Pretty good
i think this is ok to chill to it is played with a good and relaxing tmepo and the song is kept in a good tune and sync by the artist i also feel that the track suits its genre well and the artist has a good vocie for it
This song is immediately catchy and you find your self tapping away with your foot. It could be described as a throwback to 80's pop/rock - excellent. Good guitar solo, however a little too long - it did become dull.
For Cura:
Manic mad heavy rock that still manages to hit the notes and have a tune. Accomplished musicians with
really innovative use of vocal mixing, the effect is how one of those get-togethers on stage by several
bands having fun would sound if it were done in a studio with well thought out mixing and levels. Lively,
and probably very loud on stage so think I'm a bit to old these days but can imagine a lot of stage-diving.
Love it and would definitely buy an album if this is indicative of the standard
Sounds good so far. I just think that it sounds somewhat crazy. I like crazy!!!! Dancy and I can imagine rocking out to it as well and yelling. Haha.
This is an original track with a good melody. I think the vocals sounds very fine and the music combines very well. This track has enough diversity and tempo in it to keep the attention of the listener.
This does have a distinctive 80s vibe and is certianly unique to stand out fromthe rest of the crowd. Probably would have good radio play.
This is a very fast paced and enjoyable track, the instrumental at 1 min 30 was outstanding. Great sound quality, and good strong vocals
The musicianship is enjoyable. Some elements of this song reminds you of the Bee Gees a little bit (really the background). Pretty nice overall
good beat, like the music, maybe too much synth going on though, don't think its needed. vocals are different but in a good way
this is a good rocky offering and the singer has a strong voice. its very stadium sort of rock with a good driving rhythm and the band is obviously very tight. great sounding guitar solo as well
Can't decide if this is disco or some sort of pop/rock fusion, but whatever it is, it certainly gets it's message of energy across. I love the sound, and could see it really taking off.
Nice beat and rhythm to the track. Sounds really catchy and funky. Liked the guitar sequence in the middle of the track and the drumming worked well with the song.
I love it! Sounds really slick and professional. I really like the distortion effect on the vocals too. The bits with really fast, chattering type singning in the background are amazing
For Tre in me:
I love the way this track starts creating an immediate and instant feeling of power, aggression and impact where the music is concerned. The verse contains some fantastic dynamic effects going on in the background whilst the vocals are filled with emotion, dedication, passion and plenty of feeling which gives the track a very powerful overall feel. I also like the percussion which adds to the overall power of the track nicely
Really enjoyed the tempo of the song, the singer sounded like a mix between country and metal, abit unusual - Sounded well produced too and that time was taken over to produce it. Enjoyed the song, tempo and lyrics.
I was so taken by the great funky guitar intro to this track that I totally failed to notice that it isn't sung in English. This band has a great sound; terrific lead and base guitar and some strong drumming. The vocals are perfect for this type of rock track and it sounds a lot more professional than some of it's peers. Lovely but brief intricate guitar bit just before the end, too.
a unique performance containing cool vocals, funky guitar riffs and jazzy sounds. a well put together piece that has the power to capture the listeners full attention. the lyrics sound catchy and lead into a fun sounding chorus. i would put this track in the indie genre but would suit a wide range of listeners as it has a bit of everything
For Where fears arise (Tre in me):
This one has rock my world. The guitar is very nice. It do makes the track worth to listen to. The lyrics is just fine.
The music is great. I would really like to hear this like in a big stadium someplace over a properly loud hi fi. The lyrics are ok, but there could be a few more verses and structure to the track.
I like the feel of this song. Has a bit of that James Bond feel to it. Nice bass line and use of wah wah pedal. Well done
This is quiet a mellow rock song. Its not metal and its not soft rock. So i would no what to call it. All i know is that i like it. Great guitar solo.
I really like this song, it’s got a excellent feel to the beats which makes me want to dance to it if it was in a club or bar, sounds like a contry and western in a way but then sounds a bit more rocky than that. sounds like Gary barlow from take that is singing this one which could be confusing!
This had me bobbing along from the outset with its Faith No More-style guitar riffs and drumming. I did think that the weird descending noises during the verses were very distracting and just a bit crap, but as soon as these were thrown out and the funky riffs came back in, all was good again. The vocals were very well executed, and overall I thought this was really good, especially in the louder sections for example the one that starts at about 1:25. The guitar solo was understated and added to the song rather than just being mindless shredding. A good effort.
The sound of this track is quite interesting to listen to, especially the backing beat, the main part of the sound is quite a good rocky sound. Vocally the sound works with the sound of the music. Overall the song has a good feel to it
Musically and vocally this started toremind me of King but as the song goes on it gets into its own with some great musical and vocal performances.
Good song. torng loud beat and rythem which flows with the genre. The vocals are very good. I like the instrumentation it is very strong and the song is a good length.
A good sounding groovy track throughout that also has a good sounding rhythm and beats all the way the aswell. The vocals are very good and are in tune which is always a good thing. Overall agood sounding convincing track all round that sounds very promising.
great track , the vocal is amazing it reminds me of another vocalist the guitar is awsome a very catchy track
This Track is Bloody Fantastic!! The Backing Track is Really Strong and Funky. The Guitarist is Absolutlely Amazing. The Vocalist Has a Really Strong and Powerful But Smooth Voice
Unsual record. Nice background and singer has a nice clear voice. Not my type of record but clearly has market potential.
Liked the intro. Good guitars wahing away. Good vocals, bass and tight drums happening. Liked the bridge before the end. Very well put together as well.
This song has a very engaging and interesting intro and chorus which makes the song very catchy and memorable. The vocals also work very well in this song and have an edge which works well with the high pitch guitars in the chorus. This song is exellent and very exiting.
Nice, strange, good. Music is good and interesting, voice sounds kinda cool. MAybe the solo could be a little more risky, its not as good as the rest of the song. I really enjoyed this song.
when the trak started, I thought I'd find a cross between Red Hot Chilli Peppers and Queens of the Stone Age. this is quite weak vocally and lyrically, however its still a good track.I wanna hear more, with balls
music is spectacular to begin with. the singing has good quality and lining.
this track is clear & you can learn the words easily to sing along , nice band playing real instruments ! get the feeling that they can play heavyier songs too.
Good rock song, good vocals and good sensations. correct duration and progression....Maybe more presence of voice would be welcome. In general, a pontential success
This track has an amazing bassline which flows perfectly with the drums. Another great feature of this track is the guitar sounds. I enjoyed listening to this song. i like the vocalists voice too as it suits the style of song very well.
Great opening. Lots going on with a great drive and vibe. Good enough to convince you tht you have heard it before. Fantastic guitar work.
Interesting instrumentals, imaginative good vocal line, great harmonic progression and most importantly, this ROCKS! I could see this being played in a big arena with flashing lights.
An interesting sound with great potential. As yet the arrangements could find some new levels, but the track still makes for great listening and the different elements of the composition work together very well to create a unique sound which mixes classical ideas with more abstract and new sounds to form a very exciting track.
was a good song. liked the beat. built up good. would like to hear more.
good track, nice lyrics and good backbeat on the drums liked it a lot.
This song has a good rhythm and the singer sounds really good. Listening to this song was really enjoyable for me and the instruments all blended well.
started ok, but personally not to my taste but can see it being popular and well liked. good use of music ,lyrics and loving the guitar. overall made me feel like the track was very rock and roll and very good ending.
This is a good rock track. I like the guitar riffs, the drum beats and the vocals which compliment the track. The song would make a great live song
A very well put together song with flows smoothly and very well, well sung and great lyrics, really nice and flowing chorus
Perfect track for the sort of angry mood or maybe driving. Can't really think of anything bad to say about this track.
Im a drummer and i think the drummers is great ! the bass line is sick ! keep it on !
Mad guitar bits and bass slaps, from the very start! and the vocals are equally weird in their way. This reminds me of early chilli peppers but with the singer from audioslave! It sort of works....There are some really good musical themes in there, but it may err on the side of being a little crowded, which detracts from making it really catchy. I like it though!
I Like The Opening Here, Sounds Good Your Voice Goes Well With The beat, Sounds Good, A Few Decent Lyrics An Lines In There Too ... Nice Work
Great voice. Interesting lyrics. Accomplished musicians. Yep, I would mind hearing more of this artist. Enjoyable.
It has some cool parts and lines. I am not into the mix. It is a quality jam.The guitars are sweet. Love the hormony lines. This artist is a true rock artist in the finest manner.
i like this its a nice rocky song and the vocals are really good on it too. the guitarwork is really good and it backs up the song nicely.
liked the guitars in this and it build it up quite nicely,the style of the singing and the actual band reminded me of a really good famous band,could imagine it being on the radio and enjoyed it in general,liked the tune and the tune of the vocals as rolls along well and is all pieced together well also
i loved the slight rock edge this track had, the arrangement was really well written, the instruments on the track really shone out, in particular the guitar. the lyrics and the vocal were good
This band could be put in the same genre as Red Hot Chili Peppers. The bass and guitar sound great together.
Cool track,it has an original sound, I like the composition, it is well put together to create a raw untraditional sound that really works. It has variety and progresses well, like the abrupt ending.
started ok, but personally not to my taste but can see it being popular and well liked. good use of music ,lyrics and loving the guitar. overall made me feel like the track was very rock and roll and very good ending.
very niceeee trakkk....sikeeennnn.....x.xxxx.x.x.x.x.x..kep it
Great instrumentals right from the start, im impressed, the instrumentals sounds like they are being played by professionals, the vocals and lyrics are amazing the really do this track justice, this track has a great chance in the arena because the track has been put together really well, great job guys and best of luck in the arena.
not really sure what this is is it metal or pop sounds like the theme tune for a super hero film. nice drums and guitar solo although long is enjoyable. like the harmony shouting. voice good. didnt like it to start but definitly grower
For The Clown:
The song ahs origional voice quality and good lyrics. The beat and tempo are good and the rhytm works well with the composition that has precsie timing and is in tune and tone. Improve by voice quality
unusal vocals but they worked for the track as it was different to others on here. on occasions it sounded like vocals werent flowing easily this needs to be looked at. overall a good track, could be a little longer, nearer to 4 minutes
this track/song reminds me alttle of metloaf bred with ozzy ozbourne. and there offspring was a fat little druggy who tried to take over the world through strange music. good effort guys
this has a very effective overall sound, which is quite raw and the slow paced tempo seems to give it more impact and power. Not exactly very melodic or catchy but very memorable aswell as very original. Kind of like system of a down on drugs! (even though they're probably already on drugs haha!). Nice lead guitar fill-ins and good rhythmic feel. Does seem to become a little repetetive though it does build up progressively quite well.
...yes, we are on red wine drugs !!! ahahah. Many thanx 4 your review, it's one of the coolest we have read! (Kode)
Quite a dark and brooding sound going on here and it works relatively well. Not sure it demonstrates much that hasn't been heard before though
The guitar gets right in here like an evil thing. Vocals are a bit wild sounding. This guy is a sort of animal. The music is really forceful and harsh sounding. I like the singers,they are quite sinister sounding. The lyrics are quite funny and very entertaining. The singer is worshipful of the subject of his song. He will do anything for that person,maybe even sell his soul. I definitely like the madness of this song. It has guts.
An Ok track with a more rocky feel to it. I think the vocals are good for this type of song and is all round good
I like the vocal pattern of the artist he really seems to know how to deliver his vocals and make it well known that hes the centerpiece of the track. The quality of the track was pretty well done and I like the song's energy associated with the track. The artist had a wide range of vocal tones he expressed in the track and made it plenty interesting and I love the breakdown at the end.
A different track but quite liked it. The tempo was slower than I expected it to be. Good music, lyrics and vocals.
good track, good overall sound to i, liked the guitar and the vocals
hmm mixed feelings about this track at first i laughed but i think his voice could grow on me, good guitar and overall beat
This, produced is a very brave song. What amazes me, is that the vocals is the most dominating thing in the track. Actually the vocals are overly represented. So there isn't a problem getting the message, or the lyrics if you will. I tried this song several times on myself, and I must admit, I didn't like it much at first. But it grows on you, and you appreciate it more if you listen to it more than once. This in most cases is what happens when you throw a song in a play list for it to play at random. Either this song will speak to you, or it won't. But it is good nonetheless. Recommended.
This is possibly the most ecletic mash up of music styles and genres i have heard on this website. This works surprisingly well, although the lead singers voice is a little bland, the guitar hooks more than make up for this.
An interesting beginning. I like the burst of guitar. This vocal is fun ,he really blasts out the last word on each line LOL. I think he is quite volatile sounding and the sound of that charismatic singing is quite distinctive. This has quite a good feel to it. It is a little surreal sounding but I like it. This song is catchy
Enjoyed listening to this one,started a bit slow but overal a good song
Really enjoyable song. Great singing and vocals. Music is good and completely fits in with the vocals. I especially like the staccato parts just before the chorus. Piano is a good addition.
Not keen on this rock style, but someone must! Anyway does work well with guitars which i like. Not sure about the vocals, but their not bad
If this track was any less original I might have liked it.They have a vision and I appreciate that aspect. The recording was quite nice. I was not a fan of the band or sound but it was done quite well and I am sure others would dig it.
The opening instantly puts a tension into play, this was too long for it's own good but it did eventually lead into a nice performance. The percussion held pace and showed a confident passion in it's portrayal. The guitar created a strong rhythm section but added elements of melody for interest and good riff endings. Vocals were quite enthusiastic but laid their melodies out in a predictable way, they were sang well but just remaining very similar throughout. Dynamics were a good touch to the texture, added slight depth and variation.
This music has a lot of energy, which is an aspect of this song which I like. However I think the song seemed a bit repetitive and the vocals didn't hold my interest. The song holds a lot of creativity which is great.
I enjoyed this song, it had a unique sound, but in a good way! It flowed well and the band played well together.
the production of this song is good as the song is clear and you can understand the words of the song. the music goes wellw ith the music. this song has potential, so if released it could do well.
This performance certainly has some shock value to it. The use of an extremely varied vocal range shocks the listener into a state of WTF was that. The musical arrangement is powerful and clean with good use of instruments which give the track depth and meaning. The lyrics, well that’s enough said, the rest of the track speaks for itself
Wow... This guy has one creepy ass voice... The guitar is good and the drums are awesome. I think that's a piano? It's pretty sweet as well
Overall, this is a very enjoyable part. I would also like to congratulate the rather excellent lead guitarist used, the bassist using slap techniques during the chorus, and the lyricist.
what a really unusual sound.. i like this a lot and i'd like to hear more from this band.. cross between a dio type and soad.. something new sounding.. great vocals and musically innovotive.. one of the best tracks i've heard on here
this song was good to listen to, it moved slow but surely through the track, making you want to hear more, the song was very laid back and easy to listen to, liked the chorus, it was really catchy
Overall, this is a very enjoyable part. I would also like to congratulate the rather excellent lead guitarist used, the bassist using slap techniques during the chorus, and the lyricist.
Some good solid old fashioned rock, full of excellent guitar riffs and vocals. Excellent.
what a really unusual sound.. i like this a lot and i'd like to hear more from this band.. cross between a dio type and soad.. something new sounding.. great vocals and musically innovotive.. one of the best tracks i've heard on here
this song was good to listen to, it moved slow but surely through the track, making you want to hear more, the song was very laid back and easy to listen to, liked the chorus, it was really catchy
Nice song. The begining of it sounded very nice. The song should be suggested to be put on the next guitar hero game!
You can only improve your Scout Rating if you leave a meaningful review.This song rocks! I loved it! The guitarist was amazing and the vocalists just blew my mind i totally reccommend this song to anyone! I love this kind of genre and i would totally love to see these guys make more music just like this! Woo you guys rock!
A nice sounding rhythm and a good positive beat to this track that has a lot of appeal to it and is very easy to listen to which is all good stuff. The vocals are okay and sound very convincing all round and they do blend in with the music very well. Overall a good sounding tune with a lot of character and does sound very promising.
A good song, I like the beat and the voice, it really goes together well. The main riff on the guitar sounds good and I think it goes together well
(this was the best one, with a rating of 10/10, ahahahha)
Your opening to the song was pretty catchy and very good.That sounded very harmonic i love that kind of music, i loved those effects and vocals they sounded hot.Package this stuff.
Great opening sounds amazing i luvd this one.Wow this track is killed, loved it really good use of yor beats and your own skills.Nice work good luck in the biz.
kike the primus feel. sounds like primus meets some country artist. lol anyway, descent job, sound cool, not much of a message though...but hey, sor some its all about how it sounds and the voice is just like another instrament. for those i bet this song ROCKS
I really like the dark nature of this track, it really wants to draw you in with its saulty vocals and vibe.
This rock track has a really interesting robotic feel to it and put me in mind of a heavier less electronic muse. It gets you nodding along and is a great listen. Having a short guitar solo is also good as it doesn't leave you bored as the minutes long ones can do. Great song!
This is great ballsy rock. The rhythm is solid and infectious and the lead guitarwork is nice and bluesy. The vocals seem a bit repetative but I enjoyed the intro. If you vary the vocals and give it more depth then I can see this track being quite a bit more ear-catching.
Type of Label: None