Spencer profile picture


I am finished with you, your killing me, killing me

About Me

You are a
Social Liberal
(85% permissive)

and an...
Economic Liberal
(20% permissive)

You are best described as a:

--this width sets social axis, center is 169-- --this height number economic axis, center is 206-- --this cellholds the image--
--this width sets social axis, center is 169-- --this height number economic axis, center is 206-- --this cellholds the image--

Link: The Politics Test on Ok Cupid
Also: The OkCupid Dating Persona Test

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Atticus Finch Benjamen Franklin Sigmund Freud Harper Lee Roberto Clemente Jesus of Nazerath The Buhdda The Prophet Muhammad Confuscious Stephen Hawking Socrates Jimmy Eat World Voltaire "V"


Christianity Survey
Do you think Jesus should be depicted with a darker complexion?: yes he was born of mid. east decent
Should alcohol sales be allowed on Sundays?: yes
How many people attend your church?: i dont know
Your opinion of premarital sex?: its your choice
Jesus is:: a great story teller
Should women/girls have bare midriffs in church?: yes, according to christians jesus loves all
President Bush is:: the worst president ever
Would you change your denomination if they allowed gay people?: if i had one, no i would not change
My membership status at church is:: non-member, i dont attend alot
How often do you doubt the truth of Christianity?: all the time
My salvation is determined by:: i dont believe in salvation
The Christian Bible, in it's original form, is:: totally different than what most people read
I believe that predestination is:: bs
Why do you think God has not allowed Christ to return?: what god?
Once in heaven we will have memory of our life on earth, true or false?: what heaven?
Should women be allowed to be pastors (or priests)?: yes
Christian music, when compared to secular music, is:: should be viewd the same way as hardcore rap
God says the death penalty is:: what god?
Is abortion wrong?: no
Do the unsaved suffer in hell?: what hell?
What's your opinion on evolution?: the best argument against creationism, i agree with it
What happens after you die?: i decompose and give life to grass which feeds cows which feeds humans
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This profile was edited with Thomas' Myspace Editor V3


Star Trek
Your Life: The Soundtrack
Opening Credits Enya - Only Time
Waking Up Imagine - John Lennon
Average Day Wonder Wall - Oasis
First Date First Date - Blink 182
Falling In Love Ill Stop The World - Modern Engilsh
Love Scene Night Drive - Jimmy Eat World
Fight Scene Seek and Destroy - Metallica
Breaking Up Apologies on Napkins - Archie Star
Getting Back Together Collide - Howie Day
Secret Love Crash Into Me - Dave Matthews Band
Life's Okay Hey Jealousy - Gin Blossoms
Mental Breakdown Red Rain - Peter Gabriel
Driving I Wear My Sun Glasses At Night - Corey Hart
Learning A Lesson The Middle - Jimmy Eat World
Deep Thought Even Rats - The Slip
Flashback The Sweetness - Jimmy Eat World
Partying Its Time to Party - Andrew W.K.
Happy Dance Dancing With Myself - Billy Idol
Regretting Hide and Seek - Imogen Heap
Long Night Alone Save Tonight - Eagle Eye Cherry
Death Scene Hallelujah - Imogen Heap
Closing Credits The Taste of Ink - The Used


To Kill a Mocking Bird


# of WMDs found in Iraq.............................0 # of Americans Wounded or Killed in Iraq...12,000 # of Civilians dead in Iraq.................100,000 # of jobs lost during last Bush term.....27 million # of Uninsured Americans...........43.6 million Cost of invading Iraq.............$100 billion Cost of rebuilding Iraq............$500 billion 2004 Federal Deficit.............$3 trillion 59 million Americans voting the biggest fucker in U.S. history into his second term? priceless.