im interested in martial arts espesially karate and kickboxing. i also love punk music and mainly any other rock music. i also love goin down rock city and the pit and pendulum to have a good time with my freinds. i also love movies and old horror movies. i also love tattoos and peircings and have a few.
i would love to meet tim armstrong, davey havok, brody dalle and pink cus shes fuckin fine! . and any punks or goths who are good looking and fun to talk to . mainly anyone who is into rock music and into having a good time. anyone that doesnt care wat people think and loves to be the center of attention. piercings, tattoos and mohawks are also cool . and any brody dalle lookalikes god shes fit !!!
my fav film has to be the crow but i also love the lord of the rings trilogy, the matrix trilogys, any jonny depp film, party monster (cus its got manson in it), natural born killers, fear dot com, freddy films, jason films and really any decent horror movies.
i love watching the simpsons, futurama, anything bout rock music or rock stars, police programmes like worlds stupidest criminals (always funny), and documentries on stuff like murderers and odd stuff . lol
i love reading rock autobiographies like mansons autobiography and motley crues! i also love the vampire chronicals by anne rice and have bout read them all! also anything that interests me like murderers and the satanic bible!
my two heroes are sid vicious and marilyn manson cus they are both rock legends and influenced loads of bands and they will never be forgotten. and johnny depp rocks!