In the Beginning Hosted by Mike Fernino, the first ever “Idea Sharing Night” was held on the evening of April 26th, 2001 at Testa’s in Southington, Connecticut. Originally, the plan was to have a training night for the staff of Mike’s company “Music In Motion.” During the planning stages, Mike and his brother Steve concluded that by inviting other DJ friends, they could expand the discussion for a greater variety of input and ideas. As a result, this ground-breaking event had an attendance of 49 professional DJs from Connecticut, Massachussetts, and New York. By the end of “Idea Sharing Night,” it was clear that something magical had happened. There was an overwelming response to have another “Idea Sharing Night” later that year...
Since then, DJ Idea Sharing has evolved into an event that covers all aspects of being a mobile DJ - performance, marketing, business, product demos, interactivity, and much, much more. DJ Idea Sharing has featured a long list of guest speakers that reads like a Who’s Who of the Mobile Disc Jockey industry. It has become the largest regular gathering of professional DJs in New England. It has also been the blueprint for many similar events now being held around the country. Whether, it is the original “Idea Sharing Night” or it’s “The Fishbowl,” DJ Idea Sharing continues to provide unique learning opportunities for all who attend. More about DJ Idea Sharing .
DJ Idea Sharing 2.0 DJ Idea Sharing has also become a popular feature at DJ conventions from Las Vegas to Tampa. Through the DJ Idea Sharing “peer to peer” seminars, DJIS has been able to spread their unique brand of education and networking to regions outside of New England - promoting cooperation, communication, and camaraderie throughout the entire Mobile Disc Jockey industry. View our announcements & event calendar .
DJ Idea Sharing Podcast Network The next evolution of DJ Idea Sharing is here. As the next logical progression, the new DJ Idea Sharing Podcast Network is an extension of the live DJIS events. The podcasts touch on everything and anything that is Mobile DJ - from business to performance to interactive to technical to whatever. The DJISPN features interviews with DJ Industry Leaders and Music Legends, Questions and Answers, and much much more.
Popular shows include the flagship “DJ Idea Sharing” featuring Mike Fernino & Rob Peters; The “Fishbowl” featuring hand-picked topics from online forums; and the Music Legends interviews. Shows are also being added from the former Mobile Beat Radio lineup, as well!