Right now I want to meet some people who will help me support my cause. I am eccentric, I am strange, I am wonderful. I don't really need much money anymore because I won pretty decent at the casino and that like paid for my roudtrip plane tickets ans some. BUT NOW AND YOU LISTEN!!! I have a belief that someone else should come to Peru... what's 90 days of your like if you get to change 50 years of another. Like it matters anyway. A few weeks ago I was almost broke... all I had was a quarter pound of pot that had been sitting in my basement for like 6 months... NOW I have roundtrip tickets to Peru, 8 weeks accomodation paid for and about 3000 dollars. How did it happen? I have trained myself to become aware of the signs... the sychronicities that unfold throughout our lives and are almost always over looked. But it means something and my life is flat out proof what led up to my decision to up and leave exactly for the holidays, what the hell does it mean any way. I bought the plane ticket for Nov 28. working 40 hrs a week isnt my thing... unless its writing scripts or editing film and what happens I find a 2$ scrath ticket on the ground and win $2. Soon an old friend from the southern part of my home land calls me up... he desperetly needs pot. (luckily mine was jared and not just bagged :P ) So off I go happy to turn what I had written off as useless into $800. Well we hang out for a while and he's there his girl and this other girl and they live like 10 minutes from the casino (I HATE GAMBELING!) the only time I ever one I bought in late at a college buy in game and won like $750... everyones money. I didn't know them too well and I realized they were going to beat me up and take the money back. I just threw some money at them and ran out the house with $400 just ducking a flying bottle of beer. That was the only time I ever won... ever. So I left 780 of my newly aquired 800 (he loved the bud) in my car and they drove. I put $20 in the first machine... a 25 cent slot, hit two buttons and 5 seconds later 80 tokens was 12 tokens. I was like what the fuck! this machine is supposed to be 25 cents! somehow it turned into a 17 $ bet and I lost. So we went to the bar. I had three dollars and now I knew to pay attention to the buttons I hit. I was on a poker slot and my first hand was a straight flush... 25 cents upped me to 28 dollars. I proceeded to get a flush, a straight and a few drinks which I think were strategically placed because I got cocky did a $2 bet and out comes 3 aces. excited i press the wrong button and on my second deal I watch my aces dissapear and two wilds and a six replace them. I got my $2 back but lost out on the 4000 quarters. any way, Everyone else had lost all their money and I was up 240 so they were begging me to leave and I was like WITH THIS LUCK!?!? but I succumed except on the way out I saw the glorious wheel of fortune and had to play... just five minute. If I wasn't the shittiest gambler in the world I probably would have made 50K that night but instead I made exactly what I needed. WoF was a penny machine and I dont know these things and i'm hitting like two credits, 5 credits not realizing fully its 5 cents. then they started complaining saying I wasn't even gambeling it was more like an old women so I did 20 cents (wow) and said last one. Then I got the 3 wheels and got to stand up and the wheel spun for me (it was just a regular slot unless you got these three symbols, 1 5000. and 2 2500 spaces and mine lands on 2500 x sadly .20 but still paid out 500. So I went in with 10 and left with over 750 somehow, miracuosly nearly the exact amount I was short for my program fees + 100. I'll still work 30 hrs a week to have an extra 1200 to play around with in Peru but is that god's work or what?