Ed Bentley Music profile picture

Ed Bentley Music

About Me

In late 2004 Ed Bentley was inducted into the Rockabilly Hall of Fame. Having been away from the music scene for over 20 years and running a sucessfull insurance business at the time, Ed had a nice secure life but there was always that feeling,"somethings missing". That "something" was performing and writing country songs.. Ed's induction into the RABHOF was the needed spark, and before long he sold the Insurance business, grabbed his guitar and jumped right back into music with both feet!!He started making frequent trips to Nashville, pairing -up with old friends, making new contacts, establishing a publishing company of his own and getting together with some of the finest co-writers and session players one can only find in Nashville.From this, came Ed's newest CD, "Who Needs Jamaica", a fine composite of songs written and cowritten over the last 2 years. The new CD covers a wide spectrum of country music, from traditional to country-rock. Already receiving extensive, radio airplay in Europe ,New Zealand, and Australia, Ed is glad to be back doing what he enjoys most, writing and performing ....

My Interests


Member Since: 18/05/2007
Band Website: www.edbentleymusic.com
Influences: Johnny Cash... Johnny Horton... As far as writers, Curley Putman... Red Lane....Sonny Throckmorton....Hugh Prestwood....just to name a very few!!
Record Label: EMM Records
Type of Label: Indie

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