Oct 3 MFTC & Relay 4 Life profile picture

Oct 3 MFTC & Relay 4 Life

Member's of the Motorcycle Community that care about those in Need

About Me

Motorcycles for the Cure “Members of the Motorcycle Community that care about those in Need”MFTC is a growing organization that was formed with the purpose of assisting our Hampton Roads Community. As we approach our second year since inception, we continue in our primary vision of assisting select charitable organizations in raising funds for research and cure’s of specific diseases that continue to claim lives of those that continue the fight. They may not win without the support of individuals and entities such as you.Motorcycle’s for the Cure was founded in 2007. Although we are not a “Motorcycle Club”, We do consist of many motorcyclists who continue to carry on the tradition of raising money for charity. Our organization, who is dedicated to facilitating efforts such as these, is much in need. Not only is the fundraising important, it is also the awareness that these events create. We truly believe if we are able to educate more people and help them to acknowledge that we have people fighting everyday for their lives, we will create a larger community of those that are willing to lend a helping hand.Motorcycles for the Cure works directly with charities who promises to use the funds with in our community limits. At the end of an event a check is turned over to the Charity, for the amount raised, less approximately 20% for basic expenses. This deduction is necessary in order to keep our organization running.Our success comes from teamwork among those who share our vision and wish to help their community. Supporting our organization will ensure that you will help someone locally, and maybe even someone you know.We invite you to view our website – www.motorcyclesforthecure.com or www.M4TC.orgWhere you will find information on past events.. It is our sincere hope that you will choose to join us in our efforts by showing your support and or sponsorship. Please assist us in our vision as we raise funds for research and cure’s of various diseases.With appreciation, Motorcycles for the Cure 757-753-3509

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