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About Me

hi, i'm gabby =D.
let's be friends:
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if i can inspire one person to better themselves
or to want to better this planet; then i will die happy.
school [H.S.U.], jacob t. moore [<3], & snowboarding. priorities =).
friends are family; & they will never know how much i truely appreciate them.
i have a slight obbsession with natural stones & making jewelry out of them.
i've learned the past couple years that you must be your own inspiration
& motivation in life. the world today doesn't make sense.
surround yourself with positive things. i'm finally happy.
"are you satisfied with the life you're living?"


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My Interests

I'd like to meet:

someone. anyone. everyone.
let the GOOD TIMES ROLL =)

My Blog


ROAD TRIP THROUGH CALI!hott tub & beer. mmmhm.ocean yeah!me and my cousy gab.bohemian rhapsody. goodtimes.barrels at smiths. oh yeah.biker babe.bubbles!little cousin angie.3 cousin.3 cousins. again.hi...
Posted by on Wed, 19 Apr 2006 14:11:00 GMT