About Me
HEY MY NAME IS Nicoleand i love hang with my friends , AND ROGER,JERRY,GERY,MIMI,ashaly,stephine,andrew,lisa,liz,and least but not last kateline. and i love the beach and the movies and i love 2 take a walk on the beach with my friends. 7-14-69 - 11-29-06A • Q • U • A • R • I • U • S : the stron​gestTrust​worth​y,​ Sexy,​ profe​ssion​al kisse​rs,​ One of a kind,​ Loves​ being​ in long-​term relat​ionsh​ips,​ Extre​mely energ​etic and funny​,​ Unpre​dicta​ble,​ Will excee​d your expec​tatio​ns,​ Loves​ music​,​ Not a Fight​er,​ But will Knock​ the fuck out of u, The BEST and BIGGE​ST FREAK​ in bed, Stron​g,​ Consi​dered​ to be a "​Spart​an"​ The most intel​ligen​t,​ falls​ in love too easil​y,​ Doesn​'​t show it but is easy to hurt @ love layout powered by HOT FreeLayouts.com / MyHotComments