Red Forman profile picture

Red Forman

Your about to read a book, that my foot wrote.....

About Me

First off, my dumbass star wars obsessed son made me this dumbass page.....So heres some stuff about me for all you Dumbasses to read. My favorite word is DUMBASS!I enlisted in the Navy sometime after the United States entered World War II. During the course of my service, I survived the sinking of my destroyer and fought at the Battle of Guadalcanal. I often boast about "driving a gunboat around Okinawa".I am married to Kitty Forman. I am a tough, no-nonsense father and tend to favor my daughter Laurie over my son THE DUMBASS (Eric). Who is soft, skinny, twitchy, and wimpy.I often make ass-oriented threats, the most common of which is to shove my foot up Eric's ass when I think Eric is being a smart-aleck. I often talk about shoving my foot in someone's rear end.I love the Green Bay Packers and if you don't, then I will put my foot in your ass!!!QUOTES....Red:Dumbass!Kelso: Mrs. Forman, I've been gone so long I forgot you were a hot mom! Red: You know what else is hot? My foot in your ass.Goodnight, don't let the bedsbugs put their foot in your ass.Eric: My head hurts. Red: That's your brain trying to comprehend its own stupidity.Red: Where the hell did this hole come from? Hyde: I drilled a hole so I can get cable. Red: If you don't cover that hole up, my foot is going to drill a hole in your ass!Kelso: Mr. Forman, can I light off this firework in your house? Red: Well sure, but then I'd have to light my foot up your ass.Red: I will kick you in the ass so hard, your ears will bleed!Red: (at a party)When my time comes, I want to be buried face-down, so that, anyone who doesn't like me, can kiss my ass.Red: You morons just hung vacancy signs on your asses and my foot's looking for a room!Red: How would you like to own a little bit of my foot in your ass?Red: You know, you can call in a specialist to find my foot in your ass.Red: You're about to read a book that my foot wrote. It's called, On The Road To In Your Ass.Red: How about I drive my foot into this thing called your ass.Red: What's going on? Kelso: Oh, just a classic case of hand stuck in vase. Red: Well get it out, or you'll have a classic case of foot stuck in ass.Red: You know what? I oughtta vandalize your ass with my foot.

My Interests


I dont listen to any of that hippy Crap! Its all for Dumbass's!!!!!!!!!!!Some old Frank Sinatra will be just fine, thank you!


Anything with john wayne!


MY FOOT!Lord, Spread my ashes here when I'm gone!