only BITCHES talk shit.. profile picture

only BITCHES talk shit..

Live Life to the FULLEST!

About Me

Isn't it weird how relationships work? You have so many differnent types of relationships in your life. Then there are the two that matter most in your high school years. You have relationships with friends that are supposed to be there forever, yet one day they are no longer there. Then you have boyfriends and girlfriends. Each time you go into a relationship, you only think about how happy you are right then. You don't think about all of the pain you will someday go through when this particular relationship ends. You laugh with that special person, not realizing all those laughs they are giving you will soon enough be replaced with tears they cause. But the thing you have to think about is: is this going to be worth it in the end? You have to have fun sometime in your life, and you have to fall in love. Without love, where would so many people be? If you just went around protecting yourself and your heart forever, then you would never feel so many emotions that people are meant to feel. Love, for one. Pain would be another. Even if you are the one who breaks up with the other person, there is still some pain in ending a relationship with someone who you grew to be so close with, or just in knowing you are hurting someone you care about. Happiness comes with love, and sadness comes with pain. You go from being scared in the beginning, to having fun and falling for the person, to being in love, to having a broken heart. It's all part of the cycle you go through. Sometimes the pain lasts longer than the actual relationship did, but it's up to you to change that. You have to move on. It will do you NO good to just sit and dwell on old times; they are in the past now. It ended for a reason, and whether it was a good reason or not, well, it's not up to you to judge. The point is it's over now and you should be thankful for the time you had with that other person. You got a chance to become really close and get to know a great person, and if they weren't so great, who cares! Maybe next time you'll look better before you make your choice. Don't waste your life being depressed and worrying about "what if's" and what you could have done to make a different outcome. It's too late now, and there is no going back. Look to the future and plan how to change things the next time. Always look at what you have left; never look at what you have lost!--toni lynn jones
[Marital Status] SINGLE =]
[Shoe size] 5
[Parents still together] yes
[Siblings] brother = Matt
[Pets] doggies named GIZMO & ONIX!
[Color] purple
[Number] 14
[Animal] doggie
[Drinks] hmm.. juicy juice
[Soda] Dr. Pepper/Cherry coke
[Book] uhhh i dont read
[Flower] Rose =]
[Color your hair?] sure do
[Twirl your hair?] haha when im pissed
[Have tattoos?] nope
[Have Piercings?] yes 8 of them
[Cheat on tests/homework?] haha who doesn't?
[Drink/Smoke?] sometimes
[Like roller coasters?] LOVE THEM
[Wish you could live somewhere else?] FLORIDA
[Want more piercings?] YES
[Like cleaning?] NOOOOOOO
[Write in cursive or print?] both
[Own a web cam?] nope
[Know how to drive?] haha yah
[Own a cell phone?] sure do
[Ever get off the damn computer?] nope i live on it
[Been in a fist fight?] with my brother
[Considered a life of crime?] uhh. no
[Considered being a hooker?] LOL. no
[Lied to someone?] yes =<[/b>
[Been in love?] thought i was.. but it was a joke
[Been in lust?] thought so
[Used someone] not in a sexual way
[Been used?] yah. felt like it
[Been cheated on?] YES.. =[ I HATE YOU BITCH!
[Kicked someone in the nuts?] hahah sure have
[Stolen anything?] yes
[Held a gun] no that's scary
[Current clothing] &..39;
[Current mood] AHHH!
[Current taste] chips
[What you currently smell like] very sexy for her
[Current hair] down
[Current thing I ought to be doing] cleaning the house
[Current cd in stereo] James Blunt
[Last book you read] the Great Gastby
[Last movie you saw] the omen
[Last thing you ate] cheese
[Last person you talked to on the phone] BIRDDDDY
[Do drugs?] uhhh no
[Believe there is life on other planets?] yes
Remember your first love?] yes. johnny.
[Still love him/her?] yes in a friendly way
[Read the newspaper?] sometimes
[Have any gay or lesbian friends?] sure do. they are the nicest ppl ever
[Believe in miracles?] yes.
[Do well in school?] i do ok
[Wear hats] somtimes
[Hate yourself?] for doing stupid shit YES
[Have an obsession?] yes
[Collect anything?] yah. TY's
[Have a best friend?] yessssss many of them
[Close friends?] yess
[Like your handwriting?] uhh no
[Care about looks] for the most part
[First crush] Johnny.
[First kiss] Johnny.
[Do you believe in love at first sight?] sure do
[Do you believe in "the one?"] yes
[Are you a tease?] been called one
[Too shy to make the first move?] depends on who it is.
[Daydreamer] always.
[Bitch/Asshole] can be
[sarcastic] always
[Angel] you no it!
[Devil] no
[Shy] sometimes
[Talkative] ha. yes

My Interests

All about yourself...the survey.
All about yourself...
First name?:: LeighAnne
Middle name?:: Michelle
Like your name?:: YES..
Named after anyone?:: yes, my aunts & grandma =]
Any nicknames?:: LA, Lou-Lou
Age?:: 17
Birthdate?:: 12-16-88
Birthplace?:: INDIANAPOLIS
Time you were born?:: 11:58
Current location?:: bIRDY'S hoouse!
Height?:: 5'6"
Like your height?:: yah.
Eye color?:: blue
Contacts/glasses?:: nope. i have good eyes!
Hair color?:: Brown
Natural hair color?:: kinda
Dye your hair often?:: yes
Righty or lefty?:: righty.
Your favorite...
Type of music?:: anything that sounds good at the time
Band or singer?:: both
TV show?:: Dawson's Creek
Movie?:: Save the Last Dance
TV channel?:: MTV
Radio station?:: 93.1 or 96.3
Place to be?:: where ever im having fun
Thing to do?:: have the time of my life =]
Food?:: uhh. pretty much anything but seafood
Non alcoholic drink?:: Dr. Pepper
Alcoholic drink?:: hmm. that's a toughy!
Animal?:: dog
Holiday?:: Halloween
Season?:: fall
Sport?:: DANCE.
Place to shop?:: anything that looks good
Clothing brand?:: anything that looks good
Scent?:: very sexy for her
Restaurant?:: applebee's
Fruit?:: strawberries
Vegetable?:: corn
Fast food restaurant?:: Wendys'
Pizza topping?:: cheese and pepperoni
Ice cream flavor?:: chocolate cookie dough
Magazine?:: people
City?:: indianapolis
Color?:: purple
Number?:: 14
This or that...
Chocolate or vanilla?:: vanilla
Pepsi or coke?:: pepsi
Hot or cold?:: hmm. depends
Black or white?:: black
Dog or cat?:: dog
French toast or pancakes?:: panicakes
French fries or onion rings?:: french fries
Hamburger or hot dog?:: hamburger
Pepperoni or sausage?:: pepperoni
Britney or Christina?:: britney
McDonalds or Burger King?:: McDonalds
50 Cent or Eminem?:: 50 Cent
Canada or Mexico?:: Canada
Hug or kiss?:: kiss
Movies or TV?:: movies
Truth or dare?:: dare
Do you...
Shower daily?:: usually
Sing in the shower?:: sure do..
Like to sing?:: yah. why not
Like to dance?:: LOVE IT!
Smoke?:: ...
Drink?:: ...
Cuss?:: sometimes when im mad.
Talk to yourself?:: lol all the time
Believe in yourself?:: for the most part
Play an instrument?:: uhh no
Go to school?:: sure do.
Go to college?:: not yet
Have a job?:: yes at HOOTERS!
Like your job?:: for the most part
Want to get married?:: I DO!
Want to have kids?:: i want to have 4
Get along with your parents?:: for the most part
Get along with your siblings?:: lol yah gotta love MATT!
Drive?:: sure do . a sunfire!
Do you think you're trustworthy?:: depends on what it is
Think your funny?:: yes
Ever toilet papered someones house?:: lol yes
Gone garbage can tipping?:: noo. who does that
What are your parents names?:: lisa and martin
Siblings names?:: matt
Do you wash your hands frequently?:: yes
How many time a day do you brush your teeth?:: 3
Collect anything?:: ty beanies
Ever been in love?:: yes.
In love right now?:: yes
What color pants are you wearing right now?:: yellow
How does your hair look?:: it's a mess! in a pony tail
Ever had your heartbroken?:: yes =[
Ever broken the law?:: sure have..
Been arrested?:: nope
Been out of the country?:: nope
Can you stick your fist in your mouth?:: uhh no i dont have a big mouth
When was the last time you got drunk?:: ummm. not sure
Do you do drugs?:: nope
When was the last time you were high on anything?:: couple weeks ago
Do you prefer the lights on or off?:: off
Would you ever get plastic surgery?:: sure would.
Do you prefer boxers or briefs?:: briefs
Do you like to laugh?:: LOVE IT
Ever had a bloody nose?:: i've only had 2 in my life
Have you ever caught a fish?:: lol many
What was the last thing you ate?:: subway with birdy
What time do you go to bed?:: whenever im tired
What's your favorite color?:: purple
Do you like to give or recieve?:: recieve
Are you obsessed with anything/anyone?:: my LOVE BIRDY & another =]
Do you live alone?:: nope. matt,mom,dad, BIRDY!
Do you own a blender?:: yah..
Do you like the snow?:: when i get to play in it
Ever been up a mountain?:: nooo
Ever been rootin'?:: uhh?
Do you like surprises?:: who doesn't?
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You've been totally Bzoink*d


....If you knew, you were going to die tomorrow. What would you do today? What would you say? What would you think? Who would you say goodbye to? What memories would you want to leave behind? What would you want people to think about you? How would you want to be remembered? What would you change? Think about it. You have one day. 24 hours left. To change what others think of you. Life is not promised to you. Nothing is promised to you. Nor the people you care about, the people you love. You never know when you're going to get that call. You never know when your family is going to get that call. The one who sends their lives into the worst state they have ever been in. Don't live for forever. Live for today, If you love someone, tell them. Every night you go to sleep, send them that email. Call them out of the blue. Don't let the silly things get between you and your best friend. Don't leave your last words as "I hate you", because soon or later you're going to regret them. Don't talk shit about someone you don't know anything about. Don't put people down because it makes you feel bigger. Don't put off things until the "Last minute" Because you never know when you're going to have that minute. Don't waste your life today, because you can always do it tomorrow. You only get one life. May it be short, or may it be long. Make the most of it. These days, are the memories you will have tomorrow. You can't go back. You can't change them. And in the end, you either are completely satisfied and happy. Or your head is Hung in regrets. Which would you want it? Your life is what YOU make of it........and everything in that passage is totally true. never stop talking to a friend/boyfriend or girlfriend just because something happened that lead you different directions because you never know when your going to talk/see them again. for all you know it could be never. do you know how bad that would feel knowing you stopped talking to someone you used to love, and care about just because of a fight or break up, and then next day you find out they arent there any longer? never tell someone you hate them, and want them out of your life-because it could happen before your eyes. make those phone calls to people you fought with just to let them know that yeah, you do still care about them. people dont understand how just words coming out of someones mouth could change their lives forever....

My Blog

you no your a dancer when...

*you know the butterfly not as an insect, but as a stretch *dance is life and the rest is just spare time *you sit in a straddle when you're watching tv *your body cracks loud enough to stop your scie...
Posted by only BITCHES talk shit.. on Sat, 04 Mar 2006 10:13:00 PST