I accept everything and anything that happens in my life good or bad. I try to view things in God's eyes even if my emotions can get in the way of it. I live for God and only Him. Failures, downfalls, hurt, and loss is a time for hope and faith in God. Hardship and struggles builds your character. God's word is my strength, hope, inspiration, motivation, and weapon against them all. I can overcome anything through His word and love for me. In turn, I repay Him by honoring Him in the way i live my life. I do everything and anything to honor Him. I can not settle for anything unless i know I'm growing spiritually. I crave for growth in knowing Him more and deepening my relationship with Him. My gift from Him is the gift of compassion and counseling. I honor my God by helping others speak their minds and heart out. And i do this for the love of God. If you know your gift and talent, use it! There is a purpose for it. Two things i can not stand, rudeness and being prideful. First impression is essential in building relationships. That is why RESPECT and HUMILITY is important to me. If you know how to respect and show humility, you can be my friend =). If you put up a front, you're 10x worse than you already are. Truth and honesty is the foundation of your character. Your character will determine how successful you've become. Success is not based on credential, certificates, degrees, awards, and money. Success is based on the people you've grown to learn from and build relationships with. And, touch the rest that are lost in hope and their purpose in life by sharing your gift and wisdom. On top of it all, meet God's plan for you by living life in faith, hope, and believing in Him.