Where do I start....
.....I'm Nichole. Let me start off by saying Ann Arbor is a whore and I hate the whole state of Michigan. Go Buckeyes! Oh, and is it football season yet? As if you couldn't tell, I'm a sports fanatic. At least three times a day someone tells me I look like the girl from Scrubs, to which I still haven't figured out if that's a good thing or not. I am completely in love with David Duchovny. I'm one of a kind. Small town born and raised, only to be enticed by the lights of the "big city". I think I'm too nice and emotional. I'm not going to lie, I think tattoos are way hot. I'm intelligent. I use big words from time to time. Also, if you are looking at my page and you think for a minute that I'm some easy airhead, go up to the right side of your screen and click the red "X" and pretend you never happened upon my page. I go shopping like it's my job. I have no desire to be ordinary or have an ordinary life. I cannot fathom how people can just be satisfied with what life has to offer, never truly challenging their selves into making their lives so much more. I know what I want out of life and the steps to take, now I just have to achieve it, in which I get closer everyday. I love good music and fine beer and I have great taste in shoes. I go to the tanning bed a lot, so I see skin cancer in my future. I love animals a lot, but I'm not a Vegan. Yes, I'm carnivorous, but senseless violence towards animals is intolerable. I'm a cat person, but I enjoy dogs when they aren't chewing on my shoes. Hit me up on AIM if you require further details.
NiChOLe032185 on AIM
I've met my soul mate. For all the obstacles I've endured throughout my life, I now realize they were all worth it. I now know how to truely appreciate true love in all of its glory. There are no words to truely describe how much I love you. Andrew, you are my world. I appreciate you everyday. The days apart will only make the days we spend together mean so much more....for there is no greater love than ours. I love you more with everyday, and soon these days will be gone and all that will be left is you and I. I feel like my life is just beginning. I love you, baby..forever and always....♥I love you, Andrew Luksa!