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G l e n n


About Me

Where To Start lol . . .Well me names Glenn Brown ppl know me as 'G', However if Dan is out am usually known as (Bean Head, Papa Smurf, Small Fry, Bean, Wee Man, Short Arse, Egg head, Eggbert, ya get the odd one "arnly yoking". W.E) And then ya hav blainey who just laughs even tho hes heard the above so many tyms but its a gd laugh. Im 3ft nowt, body full of muscles :P Av got brown hair blue eyes. Am easy to get on with and enjoy a laugh. Mad about football, support Man U Glory supporter sum myt say but av supported them since a was a nipper sooo. I enjoy a gd nyt out with the lads, usually sunderland but the friday horden sesh also kicks the buzz in. I currently attend Durham Sixth Form Centre sounds quite good right + makes me sound intellignece ha, nar its a shit hole but the ppl ther are mint and am with hartley who has signed his 4th contract of behaviour so not to bad really.AM fucking off from Costa Del Horden on the 13th of july, bot guttered cos its the place to be. am goin in the navy. Gunna miss the place butttt ya hav 2 move on haha.Av got mint mates probs me closest one is Dan dint na how cos he just takes the piss out of is lol, and hes fat as fuk buttttt, went al the way through school with him, am still the hardest out of us both have bin all the way through school.Maggy he is the ultimate no 1 Horden sessioner haha ther is no session without him well no session worth talkin about, drugs drink anything that can give ya a buzz magson will hav it,LOVES IT, Maggy is un hammerable no1 can torture him. maggy is mint at everything especially footy he had the chance to play for barcelona but turned it down due to his love of horden. rumour has it he is related to chuck norris but who knows!.Blainey used to be at myn all the time, thinks he bullies is but he dusnt cos am hard as fuk a just let him get away with things;) dnt see him much now as he is tied dwn (n)Quaz another one of me main men ha gives me a lift anywhere a want, gets a lot of hammer bless his cotton socks but if the crack is shit get quaz out giv him sum hammer and the nyt is back on fire. does anything for anyone lol, has sum alryt cars but even if he got a ferarri it would b shit. main ppl who torture him maggy tink. Quaz maggy and tink out get in funny day all day.Griff has top be the clumsiest person i know and probablys the clumsiest person any1 knows even if u dnt know him haha!! guarantee if Griff is ther he will spill something but hes mint crack.Wandless the ginger one of the crew gets a canny bit of hammer like, but gives it back, hes tied down with eve so he usually bumps ya off for her, he will say hes gannin in then 10 mins l8a ya will see him walkin up eves, hes thick as fuck anall but hes a good laugh lol. Recently been put into rehab actually am sadly to say, cannit keep off the doobie, hes clean i hear now. keep going strong mate you can do it!Jonny The Hitman Jopling also known as the skinny man, however he is going to the gym to get massive haha gunna take ya a while mate :P, jonny although thick as fuck is funny as fuck, ya hammer him prepared to get hammered back worse, got quite a bit bottle anall for his size he dnt take no shit, and will lend ya anything, many a tym av borrowed money off the lad (y).Tinkler the good looking one lol apparently, usually gets sum nice fanny like, loves the odd doobie, ya know father like son haha. good mate, loves doin the dirty on ya mind so watch him haha.Robbo aka the ultimate hardcore raver, loves his rave and his raving mates, who i am not cool enuff to b part of ha!. Robson loves the odd sunderland session with the lads and his parties r the best in the barn cannit beat them.Dale square head, met him in dene house always bin a good mate, hes not soft either hes had a few boxing fyts soo watch him ha. he is tied dwn anall aand working all the tym so dnt c him much, when ya do see him tho guaranteed laugh!Declan Franklyn Gordon Fusco, The black lad of the pack and cool as fuck. the bad boy boxer with massive guns. known by every1 cos he used to b a little cunt matured a bit now, one of his trademarks probs shavin my hair the dickhead and leavin a square patch on and tellin me it looks good, he takes no shit, is funny as fuck at times, his mam is big shiela soo enuff sed an unstoppable force when together. and about 10 ft tall, thinks he can fill us all in but he aint come up against me yet soooo, near future a can see declan gettin nocked dwn a peg.Lee gray aka Ducky, smart as fuck with his mouth arguments hes unbeatable, not a lot to back it up like but, hes county badmington champion a think or summit lyk that.Hartley aka Nigel Norman Brush Hair Nose etc. . . 3ft nowt didnt really come out of his shell until year 11 or summit, but when he did he came out with a bang haha. not scared to say what he thinks although soft as shit is good with his mouth cos hes smart. Me college buddy mint torturin teachers with him, he loves doing coursework lol, the only Durham Sixth Form Canditate to sign four contracts for behaviour and also has a filing cabinet full of truencies and stunts hes pulled one includes assaulting a lab technician shocking. anyways thats hartley for those who don't know him.Thats me mates! if av missed any1 out means a dint lyk ya, only joking jst let is nar and a will ad a paragraph about ya.I play for Easington Vic not a bad pub team seam to win everything every year!. av got one brother and one sister lol both younger so i am the oldest:D I have passed me drivin test third tym lucky like, but its done lol only got one minor :P.Can't really think of out else to say sooo if ya wanna no out else add is on [email protected] advise that u do, cos i am the best crack on msn!

My Interests

Love football. Enjoy playing it I like going out on a weekend wit me mates on the piss, gettin wrecked nd that, and trying to pull

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I like all sorts, Dance, Pop the lot aint bothered lo l Love a bit ov ridda ridda rave now and then Love out lyk that!!!!


Erm . . . Has To Be mean machines and probalys the lost boys about the vampires mint film. Ali-g deffo anall


dnt really watch much when a do, Simpsons nd jeremy kyle


haha Don't read them :P


ME ov corse !!!! :D

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Celebrity Morph" by MyHeritage

MyHeritage: Family trees - Genealogy - Celebrities...
Posted by G l e n n on Wed, 09 Jan 2008 05:28:00 PST