Broken Seal {New Name, New show, New Songs!} profile picture

Broken Seal {New Name, New show, New Songs!}

About Me

'I got an email from the guy at like 11 in the morning' singer Cory Heinzerling says, taking a much needed drag from his cigarette. 'I looked at it and went, this could work out...' Little did he know he would find himself about to form the band that would find itself poised to take over the states slacking rock and metal music scene.
'I let him know what I was thinking, what I was planning, and that there would be no backing out once we started,' boasts a boldly placed Austin 'Sling Blade' Hinch. For a man who has seen some of the best stages in Arizona, only to find himself having to start over after a stint with a band that betrayed him, his confidence seems high. 'I knew the day I met the guy, that there was something in him. Just the look in his eyes, I guess, I knew there was music to be made.' Jesus, was he ever right.
'The very first time we got together and played we knew it was gonna happen,' Heinzerling says. 'Everything that he played, I immediately could just sit down and start writing. We made the necessary adjustments, and decided that it was time to complete the band...'
'We auditioned one drummer, no joke. Scooter came in, sat down, and I think we played 'Heroine' and the dude knew exactly what to play. A song two years old and he knew exactly how it should sound, it was insane.... We knew right then it was the right choice,' Austin states while looking towards the window. 'We knew something was missing, and we had our friend come in to play with us for awhile on bass, just didn't work out.' It's very evident the guitarist is referring to former bassist, Dustin Hourihan. 'It wasn't anything that was wrong with the guy, he was just headed in a different direction musically than we were, and that's no problem. Since then, we've found our way into a new sound.'
With the completion of the lineup taking place just before the start of the new year, the 4 piece realizes the task at hand. It's very apparent that within the three of these men lies a force that intends to stick around. '2008, as Austin has said in the past, has been the year for the comeback,' Heinzerling states, 'but 2009...shit. It's the year for the takeover.' And rest assured, at full strength, this band has what it takes.
The new breed, as the guitarist has come to call his counterparts, is a force unseen. Through songs like 'The Program', growling through pain from unknown sources, to the ballads of 'Time', written for a dear friend, the diversity of this band is unlike anything today's music industry has seen. The Unknown, respectively, will be unlike any band the state has ever heard. And once it overtakes you, it becomes you...
'This will be unlike anything you've ever witnessed...It's a whole new beast.' real editor best profile tools real editor best profile tools
How I made my profile:
I used Dave & Jay's amazing myspace profile editor .

My Interests


Member Since: 6/20/2005
Band Website: You're here.
Band Members:
Cory 'Emo Shoes' Heinzerling- Vocals, Guitars
Cory uses and abuses Audix microphones and Ovation acoustics.

Austin 'Sling Blade' Hinch- Guitars, Vocals, Effects
Austin uses and abuses Schecter guitars, Ovation acoustics, Line 6 amplifiers, B52 cabinet systems, Ibanez effects and Digital Reference audio.

David 'GmPh' Horne-Bass
David brutalizes Schecter guitars and Gallien Krueger amplification.

Ryan 'Scooter' Bradley- Drums, Percussion
Ryan uses Pearl Drums, Sabian and Zildjian Percussions.
For booking inquiries please contact us here on myspace or through:[email protected]
Influences: People that have the drive, change, and perseverance to make something of themselves, the people that have the dedication and focus within themselves to change themselves, to change the world.
Sounds Like: Melodies that you can't escape, sounds that you won't understand until you open your mind, not your ears. Thoughts that come from within, memories unspoken. Feelings buried beneath the skin....

Record Label: Unsigned

My Blog

Band update 05/04/09

It's been awhile since we've really updated you all on what's been going on with Broken Seal, mainly because we've been so busy with playing shows and writing new songs for you all to enjoy! Things ar...
Posted by on Mon, 04 May 2009 12:17:00 GMT


Hey everyone,We wanted to give you a quick update to finally announce some of the things that are going on. We are EXTREMELY excited to announce our return show on April 9, 2009 at Last Exit. We had s...
Posted by on Wed, 04 Mar 2009 10:44:00 GMT

A Storm Is Brewing...

We' been hard to bring.. you the best of us that we can, and it's almos..t here... We'..ll have news,.. shows.., and more comin..g in the next few weeks..,...
Posted by on Thu, 12 Feb 2009 12:40:00 GMT

It’s coming....

First update of 2009 for all you crazy mother fuckers...The Unknown has been hard at work since it's last show at the Big Fish Pub in November, and is almost ready to debut what is fondly referred to ...
Posted by on Thu, 01 Jan 2009 17:57:00 GMT

This time around...

We know that most of the songs present on the page are acoustic, and the reason for that has been lack of proper recording methods. Cory and I came in earlier this week and laid out the track to 'Time...
Posted by on Sat, 25 Oct 2008 13:35:00 GMT

The final outcome of the changes, things to look forward to...

So....We've talked for the last month or so about some changes coming to this group, including a new name. The name we've decided on that has a different meaning to all of us, is 'The Unknown.' As som...
Posted by on Sun, 19 Oct 2008 13:29:00 GMT

Recent changes in the BMH lineup...

I hope this message finds everyone in good health and spirits. Since June, when the album released, we have been busy trying to get things ready for shows and the release of a full band album, and we'...
Posted by on Wed, 24 Sep 2008 11:43:00 GMT

BMH’s Singer/Guitarist to play solo show...

September 27, 2008 at Chaser's. 8005 E Roosevelt St Scottsdale, AZ 852577PM set time.... Due to the departure of Dustin Hourihan on bass the band has decided to regroup and find a new sound. Dustin le...
Posted by on Tue, 16 Sep 2008 20:39:00 GMT

The essence of change, the nature of men...

As I sit here on my blackberry in the middle of a starbucks, loathing the fact that I have to go back to the mundane existance of what we call a 'day job', I realize a few things. This project, n ...
Posted by on Fri, 01 Aug 2008 14:27:00 GMT

Looking for Shows, ATNH Response

Myspacers,        If anyone knows of venues looking to recruit an acoustic act for the time being, send them our way. Black Moon Horizon is finally show-ready, and we'll ...
Posted by on Mon, 30 Jun 2008 19:00:00 GMT