HI! Basically i'm michael or mike. I want good things to happen in life. I like music and my friends. I don't like to run for buses. I have 4 eyes. I play a keyboard. I like fruit juices. Orange. Orange and pine apple. Apple. White Grape and Peach. Not Grapefruit. I like loads of music except rap and hip hop. Mainly rock/ metal (lately)/ electronica. Also screamo. Coz its good. I like getting the train home. I like to walk a lot with people. I can't swim. I'm a geek. I want to make new friends outside of school. Coz i like to socialise. I like cake. And ice cream. I like to play football but watching or talking about it is gay. I'm not homophobic. I don't have a job. I have a very small amount friends that i can talk to about anything. I have a railcard and want to travel around england. I like to tell people my made up stories to produce a smile from them. I hate the words "innit", "Sweetie" and "gun/ knife crime". I also hate the abbreviations "lol", "cba", and "atm" but i still manage to use them. Which sucks. I don't swear a lot. I want to go to Gatwick, Stansted and Luton airport with Jake C. i have never been to these airports. And i'll feel like i'm going on holiday for once. Random and stupid is better than boring and serious. ENTER SHIKARI are better than most bands out there. I get excited over nothing. I like to laugh. I can't smile for a photograph. If i talk to you but haven't met you in person yet, i want to. In a non creepy way. I like to spin around in circles. I want a pet. A turtle. Named Roy. I'm a nice guy. If you say hello to me, i'll reply with the words "hello, how are you?". But only if you say hello. I like bread. I don't like selfish people. I don't like people who don't care about their friends. I like to listen to Emo music. I like stripes. I like colours but i also like the colour black a lot. I'm immature. I like to see bands live. I like people who get very excited. I like it when people say "bless" to me. I like being the youngest person in my group of friends. And i like to find out i have things in common with people i have started talking to on "emesen", real life or any other way. I like swings. I wish Optimus Prime was my best friend. But he's not. I like potato squares for 65p from Sainsburys. I like the laser sound off Fruitloops. I like 8bit sounds. Super mario was always the best game. I don't like celebrity versions of programmes for example, who wants to be a millionaire:celebrity. I hate that i can't think of anything else to write here. So i like you if you read this. And i like that i can end it here................ style="position:absolute;top:0px;left:0px;" />