Everythings bullshit to be fair
Silly rumours and stupid lies have ripped us all apart
Its pushed us away from eachover
Changed us for who we were before
Destroyed us for what we believed in
Weve lost friends over arguments
Weve made enemies over incidents
I still remember the old times
When we all actually got along
When there was no reason to be worried about stories
When you could believe in your best friends 100%
Oh but that was long ago
And things are never gonna be the same again
Whos to blame for this?
The people that told stories that were not true?
The guys that couldnt keep there dick in there trousers?
The girls that got way too drunk and used it as an excuse?
Or the people that all just thought it was a bit of fun?
To be honest everyones to blame
But i have one thing to say before i go
Im Not Holding Back Anymore
You Want The Truth. I Will Give You The Truth
Im David
17. Male. England
I dont know what i want in life
But no one does when there a teenager
I care more about my friends than i do about myself
I live in a shit village called Wrestlingworth
I go to Bedford college and study media
I enjoy writing, going to gigs and seeing friends
I dont need a huge 'About me' bit because no one reads them
If you want to know more then just talk to me =]
Msn = [email protected]
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