Two years later I had my first performance, I sang and played my song called Rain in a concert at my school to all the kids in the school and it was so awful. It went a bit wrong at the end and u know how it's like 4 a teenage girl. I was so embarraced and ran away when we all were supposed to go and sing the last song together. Oh, my Gosh! I still had the courage to play the same thing to the adults at that same evening, of course it went great. I could've been happier at that time if it would've gone better with the kids listening!!!
I still make songs like I used to, finding the sounds that suit my feelings, concidering the message I need to send. Song is not something I can rush. It has to grow, it has to live, change, even dissapear to come up again when the time's right. The same melody can have tons of different lyrics, but eventually it'll find the right ones. All of this has to has it's time and peace, only then I feel I can capture the song I needed to at the first place.
There's not much I can tell about myself exept that I'm usually quite smily, often red-faced, everyday filled with stupid pervy jokes and always got an opinion about everything... I also love my crazy little doggy Nappi (= Button), working out and sail on my beloved boat called Vene (= Boat). I don't need to mention how much I love to spend time with my family and friends and how much I love the man in my life... E, you're the sweetest thing!
U may not know me before u get to know me, but if u try don't b missunderstood, cause I may b a bit shy at first... After that; b aware, stupid jokes r coming!!!!