Mediation Services serving Ottawa/Allegan Counties profile picture

Mediation Services serving Ottawa/Allegan Counties

About Me

Mediation Services helps solve personal and legal conflicts in ways that both sides can accept. What is mediation?
Mediation is a legal, faster, and less costly way to solve conflict outside of the courts. It often takes the place of other court action. When people in conflict choose to solve their issues through mediation, the final outcome is an agreement. Mediation is so effective that more people are choosing this process to find agreement on issues in their personal lives and solve business-related disputes. Payment plans, workable compromises, apologies, and better understanding are a few of the outcomes when people meet around the mediation table.
Can anyone use Mediation Services?
We serve all residents, businesses, and organizations of Allegan and Ottawa Counties. We support attorneys and mediate cases at the request of the courts.
How does the mediation process work?
When you call us we’ll ask a few questions about the problem and answer any that you may have. We’ll ask for contact information for everyone involved. We’ll confirm the issue is an appropriate one for mediation. Then, it’s our job to contact and invite all of the people in dispute to mediate. We’ll schedule the mediation at a time and place that’s convenient. Finally, we’ll provide a neutral, professionally-trained mediator to lead the session.
What does the mediator do?
Mediators are neutral. They control discussion, keep people from interrupting one another, and make sure the process stays fair and focused on the issues. They may also help the parties explore options, and record agreements in an agreement document·
How do I know I’ll get a fair result?
People enter into agreements voluntarily. No one is forced to sign anything, and a fair solution is up to the disputing parties. You decide what’s fair for you. You’re in charge of the solution–not a judge.
What happens after an agreement?
You’ll receive a written copy of the signed agreement. If the matter is a court case, or mediation has been court ordered, a copy may be sent to the judge– putting an end to the legal proceedings.
How much does mediation cost?
Our fees vary, but usually $50 or less will open a case. Some fees are based on the financial value of the item or the length of the mediation.
What if I’m scared to talk?
We realize conflict can be difficult for many people. As long as there is no likelihood of physical harm, mediation can work even when angry words and threats have been exchanged. Additionally, mediation often involves attorneys or other representatives to lend legal counsel, guidance, or moral support. If you would like to be accompanied by your attorney, a supportive friend, or family member, be sure to let us know.
What if I’m embarrassed about my situation and don’t want it to become public?
What happens in mediation is confidential–a signed agreement is the only record. Our mediators are trained to respect both the confidentiality of the mediation process and the privacy of the mediating parties. In some court cases, a judge may request a copy of the signed agreement.
Why should I consider mediation when nothing else has worked?
More than 75% of cases handled by Mediation Services end in agreement. Also, our surveys show that 9 out of 10 people keep the promises they make when resolving their conflict with the help of our skilled mediators.
Does mediation really work?
Legal actions often come to an end. Sometimes debts are paid on the spot, or a workable payment plan is scheduled. Usually, participants feel a great sense of relief after they’ve been able to fully explain themselves and find a workable solution to financially or emotionally costly issues.
When should mediation be your choice?
• Complaint against a noisy neighbor
• Conflict over a fence or boundary line
• Deciding on fair parenting time after a divorce
• Dividing property when a marriage ends
• Disagreeing siblings after a parent’s death
• Getting paid for work already completed
• Dispute over the quality of workmanship
• Small claims and civil claims less than $25,000
• Concerns over guardianship
• Issues involved in special education
• Business and employment disputes
• Landlord/tenant
• Victim/offender
Who is Mediation Services?
For over ten years Mediation Services has been mediating cases for the residents of Allegan and Ottawa Counties. We were first established in 1993 as the Center for Dispute Resolution.
Today, we’re one of twenty State Court Administrative Office (SCAO)-funded centers in Michigan offering mediation services as an alternative to legal action through the courts and as an option for court cases already in litigation.

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