Upcoming shows:
Sunday 26th April 9pm
La Cumbia Borracha with MashyP,Gonzo,Brent Clough(Radio National) at Melt,Sydney. facebook group... www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=26011909954#/group.php?g id=75261576404&ref=mf
Sydney based Media Producer, DJ/Promoter, and multicultural broadcaster for over ten years. I am a media allsort (film, video, radio, music and print formats) and specialise in meshing together a diverse range of music from the global underground. I have DJ'd in Melbourne, Sydney, Dublin and London as part of UBER LINGUA, Sydney Festival Opening Night, LAST FM, OPEN SAUCE, TOURS/BOMBS ECT.,MOVIMIENTOS and HACKNEY GLOBE TROTTING. As a promoter i do anything from globalbeat, dubstep, hip-hop, electro, grime, noise, Indie gigs so please contact me if you or your band are interested in doing gigs in Sydney.
I have produced radio docos,dj mixes and video content (which you can listen to and watch below).