"Space360 Electronic_space_pop muzic"
Space360 is Benx
Auttaratt Photongnoppakun
Electronic musician and instructor of
Audio Production for multimidia
at DCI.
Releasing the first single of
the BAMA the samp 1 in 2002
and the second single in 2003.
Performance with Redtwenty
on the 3rd fat fest evnt
following with many
live tournaments.
..Afterwards,Space360 has spent time
on learning and enchanced
more experiences
of music until working
on recording
and produce music for
DMC Studio.
-Electronic pop Movin'
album in 2005.
-EP Forward
(limited edition CD) in Aug. 2006.
we will hear new releasing
of N.E.R.D.
passionsound complilation
from Space360 on 21/11/2007.../
Space360 THX to
V play team,
.Top dmc studio,
and all lovely
sisters and brothers...LOVE u all... :)passionsound party 5.0
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