If the world had been a picture, the picture would have been the world.Instinct, visionary, ingest world, inner life, spirit, fancy, ambitious, observer, experienced, experimental, to be ahead of conventions, complex, empathic voyeur, .. www.peterpalm.com
Directed by Peter Palm
Nicole da Silva No more you
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I'd like to meet:
All People interested on Art, Photography, Film, Design, Fashion, Architects, Music.
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Die Freiheit des Menschen!!!!!
Der Mensch ist abhängig von seiner Umwelt, nicht nur in seiner physischen Existenz sondern im besonderen auf intellektueller Ebene. Der Mensch denkt er wäre frei in seinen Entscheidungen und Handlunge... Posted by on Sat, 06 Sep 2008 10:00:00 GMT