Born in suburbia of Los Angeles, Setting Sunrise contains solely one member, Joey Biagas. Coming from the small town of Duarte, this acoustic-pop artist is influenced by love, music, and friendship. Biagas picked up the guitar at age 16 when he bought his very first guitar. After a few years, age 20, and several other projects and bands, he figured out that his own sound was ideal.
At 22, Biagas writes all the components that make up the acoustic, but catchy, sound that draws raw emotion. He exposes these elements at shows with just a guitar, vocals, and a stage. Although from time to time his friends help out to make the show a little more special, Biagas still composes and records all material himself.
Check out Setting Sunrise as he writes about life’s struggles and success stories, which is what everyone goes through. His compelling guitar rhythms draw you in while the lyrical ties keep you there.