Roo profile picture


About Me

I am on myspace for networking with friends, but also with bands and other artists. I am a lot of things: a mother, writer. performer, librarian, radio broadcasteron two local radio stations, music event producer, part time promoter, pizza maker, fundraiser, etc etc. I feel like I go a million miles an hour forever,fueled by good fair trade chocolate, only stopping to sleep . I am currently working on several new projects, including promoting my partners band, Neptunes Folly, writing/illustrating a book for children, and raising my completely perfect daughter, Sophia Bellarose, a true italian. l love to network with people and find cool things to play on my radio shows that are fcc friendly and help support local bands through this little festival I like to produce anually called Ridgestock. I do an bi monthly show on kvmr mostly every other sunday, but I do get pre-empted quite a bit. I also contribute music to a lp fm radio station called kyrr, yuba river radio, on 93.3. It pretty grass roots and runs by mp3s from the community.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

some interesting local bands to play in my shows, "CATTYWOMPUS EVENTS"

My Blog

oooh Cattywompus! JUNE 1st!

Hey there punk fans, wanna go see a cool show? The first of many Cattywompus events starts June 1st at 7pm at the Seamans Lodge in Nevada City. Featured bands are these two punk bands out of Portland...
Posted by on Tue, 06 May 2008 22:00:00 GMT


Had a great show tonite on kvmr. Played some cool musical peices as well as some my space spoken word gems. its was so spontaneous like so many of our shows, and we had 4 callers for the hour, not bad...
Posted by on Sun, 30 Mar 2008 22:51:00 GMT