R.I.P PIMP C.....These Niggas 2 Of The Best To Eva Bless Da Mic...Tool-Sober=The Best Band That Has ever Played
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Add to My Profile | More VideosI started trying to do music when i was bout 8 and 9, and my father was teaching me how to play drums. He played the drums in a band called Xavion back in da 80's. My grandfather was one of the best piano players to ever touch da keys. I guess music just run in da family. When i was 12 he bought a radioshack keyboard, and i used to mess around with it. One day me and my nigga Jarius was playin on it tryin to remake the Grindin' beat, So after that he went home and came up with this horn part. I stayed up all night tryin to finish the beat and i finally did. I didn't know the structure of a song back then so the arrangement was all fucked up lol! After that i just kept practicin and practicin, one day my father realized that i had the potential to be an actual producer he told me he was gone buy me a Triton Extreme. I came home about 3 weeks later and there it was! I figured out how to sample, and how to use effects and all that other good stuff. So now i'm tryin to get in da game and do tha damn thang