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I slip between reality and fantasy as easily as walking between rooms, it's fun!! I can be unpredictable, but who isn't? Unless you're psychic, then I'm probably not hmmm.....I have random thoughts which build up in my brain, they contaminate the bloodstream and the muscles in my arms spasm toward the nearest pen and.........I'm compelled to write poems and lyrics, sometimes about me, sometimes about how I perceive the world or certain situations, friends, family, anything really, maybe even you!! Do I know you? Who cares, send me a request and we'll sort it out!! Anyway, I'll post some up here and you can read them if you like, or don't and say you did, why not!! Would you like to know more? Message me or something and I'll tell you my whole life story, it's lovely, it has monkeys in it!!! Anyway, take care of your collective excellence!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Oh and if you'd like to leave a comment, be a little more original than "Thanks for the add" because they bore me!!Welcome to the page, I trust I find you all well.......
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