Matt "Damn" Skiba
alkalinetrio. americanfootball. thearcadefire. architectureinhelsinki. atmosphere. atthedrivein. thebeatles. belle&sebastian. benfolds. benkweller. billymusic. theblackheartprocession. bloc party. boyleastlikelyto. brighteyes. BROKENSOCIALSCENE. catpower. clapyourhandssayyeah. copeland. thecure. cursive. damienrice. deathcabforcutie. thedecemberist. dredg. elliottsmith. fiest. theformat. gatsbysamericandream. TGUK. godspeed!youblackemperor. hotrodcircuit. jennylewis. JENSLEKMAN. jimmyeatworld. johannanewsome. kindoflikespitting. theknack. LCDSOUNDSYSTEM. limbeck. mae. manman. microphones. motioncitysoundtrack. muse. mymorningjacket. m.ward. NEKOCASE. thenewamsterdams. oasis. ofmontreal. okkervilriver. owen. owls. pagefrance. PEDROTHELION. peteyorn. RAYLAMONTAGNE. rilokiley. sigurros. sayanything! savestheday. theshins. thestills. spoon. sufjanstevens. sunnydayrealestate. thirdeyeblind. tillyandthewall. tompetty. unicorns. theweakerthans. weezer. wilco. wolfparade!
Dancer in the Dark, Amelie, American Beauty, Squid and the Whale, The Royal Tenenbaums, Thumbsucker, Junebug, Alice in Wonderland, Secretary, Closer, Moulin Rouge, Arthur, The Rules of Attraction, Boondock Saints, Milo and Otis, Harold and Maude
I don't like the tele. But, i enjoy: Weeds, Extras, The Office UK, Arrested Development, and Dead Like Me.
Tom Robbins, Fahrenheit 451, A Handmaid's Tale, A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius, Richard Dawkins, Charles Bukowski, David Sedaris, Flannery O'Connor, Margaret Atwood, social policy books..