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Get Your Own Voice Player ManageMadison Media Online Magazine is a cutting edge resource for world renouned vocalists, musicians, and talents, seeking maintenance, while highlighting their career come to realize that talent derives from some of the most unexpected places in the world, and that conventional means of discovering stars are not always authentic when speaking of the best Inspiration is like the driving force behind a dream that comes true, and determination is often described as the tool to reveal the best in one..s capacity to produce..So, it does..nt matter whether a photographer, with the vision of imagery, foresight, and design, or just a sound altering charismatic, seeking music pleasing to that of a crowd, you like all talented people should have the right to express your gifts to the world & here is a great place to start doing it.
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Malcom W
Brig Feltus
Kyra Simone
.MandisaDJ Come of Age Shout Out to Madison MediaEric Robertson the State of the Music BusinessPru.
.Madison Birthday & Jennifer Hudson Day in Chicago.
.The Savy Business Man that goes by the name "Madison" has taken the Music World by storm with his Magazine & Radio Show "Music with a Purpose" promoting New and Upcoming Talent and bringing them to the masses."Madison" has a Realtor..s License in the state of Illinios & sits on the Executive Board in the Labor Union, but his passion has alway..s been to help others Promote themselves,which landed him a Job working for the singer "Pru" after leaving her Major Label.After the success of working with "Pru" other artists took note and wanted the services to help them with there career, so Madison Media was formed branching off into "Madison Media Magazine" in August of 2006 & "Madison Media Radio in "August of 2007. with his Music Show "Music with a Purpose" playing the Hottest Artists from all Around the World. You can listen to the show on the Website & Myspace Pages 24/7 & Podcast