In the summer of 2007, The Arcadists were formed through the magic of a craigslist ad and a veteran San Francisco singer/songwriter looking for a new project. South bay guitarist Rob Simmons and drummer Matt Kurvin were looking to start a new band that in the vein of Foo Fighters and Smashing Pumpkins, fueled by original tunes. They just needed the right singer. Erik Kostelnik replied to the posting after moving to Los Gatos, CA and after a few botched jam attempts, quickly found common musical ground with the duo with similar influences in Rock, Rock-a-billy, Ska and Surf Rock. After sucessful song writing sessions, Rob and Matt brought in bassist/internet music entrepreneur (and former bandmate) Jon Luini to complete the group.
The members of The Arcadists have a history of being in slash-rock bands before, as in funk/rock, alternative/rock, indie/rock and folk/rock. The Arcadists work on sending an undiluted message to its fans: they are not a slash rock band.
We are the Arcadists. Thanks for listening and support your local music scene!
Way of the Groupie (live 3/14/08)
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