I've already found him.
Have You...
stayed up all night long?: yes
slept all day?: no, but into the afternoon, yes
played a trick on someone?: yep
told a joke that NO ONE thought was funny?: probabaly
hurt someone's feelings?: yes
been told that you are pretty more than 10 times?: yes
been in love?: yes, i believe so
told someone that you love them?: yep
told someone that you miss them?: yep
been told that someone loves/misses you?: yes and yes
broken someone's heart?: yes
had someone break your heart?: yeah...it killed
broken up with someone for no reason?: uh huh. i don't regret it though
told someone that you hated them?: yep
ate everything in the house?: over a period of time
stayed in bed all day because you didnt wana get up?: haha, right now
lost a friend over something stupid?: yeppers
got shopping in the middle of the night?: i love 24 hr stores
Do You...
have a boy/girl friend?: no
want a boy/girl friend?: yes
like someone?: yes
if so- do they know?: yes, i definately hope so, lol
have someone who likes you?: yep. i believe i do
have a crush on your best friend?: sorry d'lish, no
have a really big secret that NO ONE knows?: yep
have a food you couldn't live without?: not really
what is it?: water
know what you wanna be when you grow up?: happy!!!!
believe in God?: YES
go to church?: every sunday, and then random church things during the week
have more than 10 really close friends?: yep :) i love you all
have someone you couldnt live without?: Jesus, lol
get up easily in the mornings?: no
go to sleep easily?: never
listen to music while u do your homework?: yep
even do your homework?: nope
Are you...
bored?: kinda
heartbroken?: no
confused?: always
happy?: beginning to be
lost?: no
moody?: always
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