Art, Film, Photography, Radio, Circus, Burlesque, Performance Art,Firetwirling,Theatre, Acting, Directing, Dancing,Creating, Putting on Rave Parties,Talking shit to stangers, Stupidity, Fun, Random acts of Kindness and Silliness,Iceblocking naked at midnight on golf courses, Howling at the moon and with dogs,Throwing snowballs, Causing Trouble and Mischeif, Mud, Oil or Pudding Wrestling, Trying New things, Fashion, 1950's memorobilla, old movies and pin ups,Travelling,Philosphying, Conquering the World, , snowboarding, snomoboarding, surfing, rollerskating,skateboarding, gymnastics, living!
Film makers, Photographers, Artists, Adventurers and Vagabons. Snowboarders who will take me to the secreat stash, build booters and know where to ride even after the resorts shut down. The international nework of people who will let me sleep on there bed, couches or floor space.
I have an ecelectic taste in music. Saxamaphone is my fave instrument, it's just so damn sexy and I love fire twirling in a drum circle . Psy trance will get me grooving in the street, warehouse or a bush doof. You may see me head banging to Guns and Roses one minute and busting moves to Gwen Stefani the next. You may hear me singing Andrew Lloyd Webber's broadway musicals and then screaming Foo Fighters. Guess it depends on my mood.
Sin City, Madagasca, Natural Born Killers, Romeo and Juliet, Moulin Rouge, Borat, Baracka, Meet the Parents and Fockers. Anything made by Quentin Tarintino, Stanley Kubrick and Baz Luhmen.
Sex in the City, Girls Next Door and all that Hollywood trash.
Harry Potter, A Little Girl Lost (Drew Barrymore's autobiography), The Surrounded, ROck n Roll Babes from Outer Space, Marching Powder.
Southshore Soldiers, JK Rowling, Stanley Kubrick, Quintan Tarintino, Dave Grohl, Juliet Lewis, Sparkelrella, Suicide Girls, The Beatles, anyone who lives there dream and gets paid for it. ..