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about me
..ok ok my name is the one and only great navelle i know you love the name thank you i dont have a myspace to meet no new lame as% niggas so fall back on my free time i like to shine like a star even though that comes easy right i hecka like fashion you fill me your personal style is always fly i do have a life so females dont leave me no whack as% messages no time if i had to describe myself in one word it would be DIFFERENT cuz ima goofy funny as% person, at time i can be a cry baby but thats how i get my way,smart in my own way, very creative,pretty,fine, outspoken,always lookin for somethen bigger in life,thats just how you gotta think well myspacers thats all navelle has to say
my boyfriend
omg this is my boyfriend my life my bestfriend my everything isaiah... he has always been there for me when i needed him are not he keeps a smile on my face even when im mad thats why yaw always see me smile cuz this dude right here we hecka solid with each other thats why im not goin no were he not either so females fall back you cant find one like this specially made for me in berkeley P.S.the best thing that ever happened to me *luv u*
let me start with my niece sookie even tho she older than me im still her aunty i no its crazy i grew up with her so she has always been by my side threw every thing so i love her and a bit%h will get cut messin wit her___
my bestfriend melanie "i got 5" *wink* she is omg only the crayolas no what that mean but yeah i new the female since the second i wouldnt want to be stuck wit nobody else since the second grade to long she lasted cuz she a real as% goofy feamale bi%ches get on your aliah great and like omg she is really omg :0 she always no what to say and do cuz she is smart and funny sumthen that most females aint were pretty much almost alike**monica my true crime even tho dirty as% females keep her in drama she the best i love her i thought i was dramatic she beats me any day she is always there when i need her even tho she the busiestyes its nique nique the goofiest person on neptune and earth she may cum off shy but she a wet wire since day 5 never no what she bout to do nextits jade and she fresh like go dave haha naw but even tho she far man let me tell you she is more real than life solid like a rock when we do get a chance to be around her she is a sunshine :]nisha i hope you didnt think i forgot about you i saved the best 4 last duh even tho she not a crayola she is cool like one right peanut and mo'nay she the only little crazy funny wild person i no i still member what happened with that bananna.. ill never forget
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ok..ok..ok..this niece even tho she will always be 1year older than me Princess but if you no her you would no she dont like to be called that so there 4 her name is the 1 and only sookie she always will and have had ma back since i wazz born we had are tymes wen we get light weight mad at each other but we good cuzz i love her i love her so much i aint gonna lie if you dont no her its gonna be light weight hard to get along wit her cuzz she got that i dont give a fuck attitude i like it tho cuzz she stay goin bad on any ni69@ or bitch thats why i love my crazy crayola niece sookie
yeah this my gurl aliah wen even i wanna act a sheep butt i no she gonna be the one doin the foo wit me you fill me thats my down ass ni69@ right there she dont give a fuck she quick to give it to you solid you fill me like out of all the crayolas aliah the 1 that will go do somthen crazy out of the blue to make everybody laugh two they cry thats why i love my goofy crayola sis aliah she go bad
now now now what can i say about this crazy female she can be a hand full at tymes but you fill me i always there 4 her wen she need me cuz thats mah sissy no matter how much she get on ma nerves thats cuzz ni69@z stay tryin to run game and females stay bein fake and ma sissy to solid thats why i love my crazy crayola monica
this sexy asain bitch right here is hella solid she dont give a fuck she quick and fast too tell you the get down and is 1 of the few females i trust and like outside of the crayolas ok thats all i have to say about ms.dymes the bitch that go bad