Film, photography, flamenco, opera, dance, museums, drinking, and bothering my little puppy dog ( he gets so annoyed at me), laying in Central Park on the cool grass, going to "The Punk Rock Show" :), inventing and sewing up cool outfits, singing along with music really really loudly while jumping on my bed, I love to curse (Fuck is my absolute favorite word) eating alot of rice pudding or chocolate ice cream ( either will do), acting really super silly, listening to my records and singing even louder, going out for snacks with my brother and sister at 3am
You, Babe...Wooo!
pop, punk, oldies, jazz and swing, rap, reggea....oh anything that doesn't make my ears bleed....................................................... .......................... What you will probably find in my ipod:.............My Chemical Romance, Ella Fitzgerald, Mana, Against Me, Ramones, The Dixie Chicks, Avril Lavigne, Fabulosos Cadillacs, The Greates Hits of Swing, and finally Tricks of the Tradeless
Run, Lola Run, Night of the Living Dead (zombie movies rule), Interview of the Vampire, Requiem for a Dream, Star Wars ( all of them) , Maria full of Grace, Eternal Sunshine, Freaks, Bill and Ted, Any Molly Ringwald movie, 200 Cigarettes, Artificial Intelligence, Bread and Roses, Pane y Tuilpani (Bread and Tulips), Fight Club, Ferris Bueller's Day Off Bicycle Theif Carnival of Souls Suspiria
What not to wear, Will and Grace, Fraiser, Everybody loves Raymond, 30 min meals, Queer Eye for the Straight Guy, I love Lucy, Taxi, Honey Mooners, Twilight Zone
I dunno ... its been a while since I read a really good book ... I mostly read National Geographic
- I admire anyone that no matter how far fetched their dreams were, they sucesseeded in making them come true. So to my tradeless friends, my architect cousin, my footloose sister and my pink moon self don't forget to keep true to your dreams.