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David and Fatima

Karim Movies

About Me

KARIM MOVIES, INC. (www.karimmovies.com) is an independent production company whose focus is on producing unique and quality films working with young new innovative thinkers.The Iron Man (2006) is the first upcoming feature for Karim Movies and stars Nathan Bexton (Go), Kathryn Fiore, Nic Nac, with special appearances by Jason Mewes (Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back), James Duval (Donnie Darko), and Jon Abrahams (Meet the Parents). The film is loosely based on Karim Bian’s life, the founder of the company. The film is a comedic take on a rather unconventional success story of a man whose absurd way of thinking winds life through an unpredictable course of hilarity.Current projects include David and Fatima, a Romeo and Juliet-esc love story set in the Middle East following the tragic romance between an Israeli soldier and a Muslim girl. David and Fatima is a drastic change in tone and style of film compared to The Iron Man, which exemplifies the company’s eagerness to explore various genres of film. Another project in the works is an Untitled drama recounting the 70s hustle era of one young immigrant teenager as he paves his way in the States.

My Interests

Sky diving, Ski, Mountain climbing.

I'd like to meet:

Karim Bian, who executive produced his first feature, The Iron Man in 2006, founded Karim Movies, Inc. in Malibu, California in 2005. Finding success in real estate and in the dot com era, Yomtobian has now ventured into the capricious world of filmmaking, which much like his other business ventures, appeals to his sense of adventure and risk-taking. Unlike other production companies, Karim Movies is an independently financed company and has no affiliation with any other major networks or studios and therefore has the freedom to truly create unique stories for the public.




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