Studying to become a librarian.
Birds! But only birds in the wild, not birds in a cage.
Recent sightings: Red-shouldered Hawk, Eastern Wood-Pewee
The person who will cure brain cancer.
Till then, donate here in memory of my mom:
Latest addition to the ipod: Los Mirlos, Sharon Jones & the Dap-Kings, Nina Simone
Ooodelolly! This ain't lucky lager. As many times as it takes Adelle. I like you kid, always did. I am Jack's gall bladder. Frankly, my dear I don't give a damn. I always knew my purpose in life was to dominate your sex and avenge my own. I'll always go to this church, so one day we'll meet. Thought I smelled cabbage. I know a little German, and he's sitting over there. As you may have guessed I am not from these parts. Is this hand-shucked? Who is Kaiser Soze?!?
Anything about ghosts, or food.
From the library of course.
Reading now: Lamb by Christopher Moore
Jane Goodall for general scientific goodness; Oliver Sacks for changing my views of "illness"; Sister Mary Prejean for being a voice of reason; My Mom for giving it all she had and then some more.