The White Light Express has been "running" officially in one form or another since October of 2001... [read the rest at the BLOG POST ]- -
Is Prayer Good For Your Health? Read The Lecture #816 From the Heritage Health Foundation.
A simple, non-denominational prayer... inspired by Stephen Levine's meditation book Guided Meditations, Explorations and Healings , it asks:
May I be healed.
May I be free of suffering.
May I be at peace.
I ask this in the name of my highest good.
Thy will be done.
So why pray?
Because prayer is a powerful medicine that works.
Why pray?
Because prayer is a compassionate, immediate, available remedy for whatever ails the mind, the body, the heart and the soul.
Why pray?
Because you are "wired" to the Divine and in times of crisis, the source of healing may be as close as your next breath.
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