Music, the Arts and REAL friends.
Ethnic minority midgets who can sing in the key of D Minor. (Preferably with Torettes, OCD & a rare skin condition.)
Everything and Anything with Passion and Soul.
The 7Up documentary series (1964-2005), Shine, John's Not Mad (One of the best Documentaries ever made!), Withnail and I, One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest, Hard Days Night, Freaks, Straw Dogs(Rape Me My friend) , Les Amant Du Pont Neuf, Betty Blue(Directors Cut), Jamon Jamon, Man Bites Dog, La Haine, Ice Cold in Alex (1958), Even Dwarfs Started Small, If {Filmed in Cheltenham} , My Beautiful Laundrette, Last House On the Left, Evil Dead Trilogy, Box of Moonlight, My Left Foot, Anything with Peter Sellers or Dudley Moore, Falling Down, 12 Angry Men, What's Eating Gilbert Grape (His Mum), The Pillow Book, A Room for Romeo Brass, Life of Brian, The Last Detail, Last Night On Earth, Sexy Beast, The Boy With The Green Hair, Naked (I urge you to rent any Mike Liegh film and not be touched by his compassion for his fellow man/ Woman ), Dumbo, Gummo, Kids, Walter, The Great Race, Mean Streets, Enter The Dragon, Hustler Barely Legal ..45, Bladerunner, The Incredible Shrinking Man, Midnight Cowboy, Taxi Driver, DIRTY FILTHY LOVE (Rent this if you know what's good for you!), The Big Blue, Faces (1969), The Big Lebowski, Lenny, Pappillon, Nil By Mouth, Made in Britain (When Tim Roth was good), Meantime (When Gary Oldman was good), Life is Beautiful, That Film with the Monkeys and Sig. Weaver, It's A Wonderful Life, An American Werewolf in London, Eraserhead, Any film that makes you cry and laugh at the same time, i.e. Little Miss Sunshine, The Great Escape, Blackboard Jungle, The Colour Purple, Close Encounters of the Third Kind, The Magical Mystery Tour, T.B...Cont.......
It's only an idiot box if an idiot is watching it.
The Diving Bell and the Butterfly by Jean-Dominique Bauby.
VOX AC30's, HP Sauce & Rachmaninov's 3rd.