Our Wave Newspaper was started out of an idea that most surfers are getting tired of seeing and hearing/reading about the same 10 to 20 pro surfers that are forced down our throats by the magazines and other big business media. There are only a few sources out there that show what it is like to be a real surfer and live the life that brings us to the waters edge and out in the waves every chance we get but nothing on a local level. Most all of us surfers do not care about being noticed doing the thing they love, but wouldn't mind if someone got a good photo of them doing it. Our Wave Newspaper wishes to provide stoke to the local surf community by giving a source for locals to a source to share they stoke with others. Its a chance for you local surfers to show respect to the legends that surf these local waters, a source to show your talents in and out of the water, or a way to announce to the countless other surfers crowding this stretch of beach breaks that you are not just another Barney crowding up the water, but a person that deserves as much respect as the next guy in the line-up.This paper is also a way for the local community to advertise their business to the local surfers as well as anyone else who reads Our Wave. These business are most likely to be local surfers like us and need an outlet to get their name out without having to spend a fortune with the big mags or waste their money with other newspapers which only a small number of its readers are surfers. So help these businesses as well as Our Wave out by calling them up and saying you saw their ad in Our Wave. It will keep us rolling along giving you the true outlook on our local surf community.There are many unidentified shots we have taken and run in this paper and we would love to run them again with the correction to who it was. Brows through them and see if you or your buddy is one of them, let us know so we can run it with the name and any other story, artwork, or photos that would go with it. This paper is a source for Eddy to sell his photography, but it is also a way to stoke out the local surfers by letting them know that someone is taking photos, not just of the few rippers in the water, but everyone who gets a good wave.
Purchase photos through EppicSurf.com. Remember the link www.eppicsurf.com/ourwave
Couple photos of the people involved in Our Wave.
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2007 Surfline Seal Beach Championships http://www.surfline.com/surfnews/article.cfm?id=7568
Surfline Seal Beach Champs enjoy strong local turnout
All photos and words by: Mark Lugenbuehl and Eddy Raposa from Our Wave Newspaper
2008 Surfline Seal Beach Champs see all kinds of winners http://www.surfline.com/surfnews/article_bamp.cfm?id=13683
Written by Mark Lugenbuehl
Photos: Eddy Raposa/Our Wave Newspaper and
Mark Lugenbuehl//Our Wave Newspaper
Check out Eddy's Our Wave photos http://eppicsurf.com/view_profile.php
All photos can be bought through Eppicsurf.com in a variety of sizes and fashions. Click the link above to take you there. Many photos can be found from nearly all the Our Wave past and present issues
Myspace.com Blogs - The best of times, the worst of times - Pezman MySpace Blog
This is a harrowing story about Alternative Surf owner Ron Ziebell, and an inspirational story about true localism. Some locals may be as hard as stone to break down for acceptance, but you can bet that most so call "Enforcers" in the line-up are not there to cause trouble, but to keep the peace and be the ones who will save your life.
Surfside 70s Contest images http://eppicsurf.com/blog_comments.php?id=897
Fun was had by all that attended even if the weather was not all that great at the start. Conditions cleaned up for a while and made for some entertaining surfing from some the the best locals around.
Thanks to VersaSurf for letting us try their product. It really works and very happy with it.