joven dj-productor italo-valenciano nacido en 1983, desde joven ya se sentia atraido y fascinado por los vinilos y los giradiscos;siempre culturizandose musicalmente,explorando todo tipos de estilos, creando sesiones para los amigos y pinchando en fiestas entre los suyos.
A los 18 años decidido a dar el salto, comenzó a encontrar su estilo en el house,con sonidos mas tranquilos, bailables, con mucho ritmo y con gran capacidad para transmitir buen gusto musical.A partir de aquà seria un punto y aparte para él.
A dia de hoy con la llegada de nuevos cambios musicales podemos decir que ha encontrado su estilo con sonidos electronicos,este dj camaleonico capaz de crear con gusto una sesion de estilo mas comercial pero con musica selectiva hasta llegar a un techno minimal mas oscuro y contundente,que será aqui donde encuentre su verdadero gusto por la musica.
Ha pasado por varios locales por toda la comunidad valenciana,desde Friends club a Distrito,residencia en Esperiens,Espai club(Gandia),Goa,Underclub,Shiroko,5moons(Castellon),Static club (Sueca),The Luxe(Albacete)...
Actualmente esta metido de lleno en la producción musical electronica,en la que ansÃa su oportunidad de sacar su primer vinilo.
Neww session:
Young man Spanish and Italian dj and producer born in 1983, from young already felt attracted and fascinated by the vinyls and the turntables; always culturiciting musically, exploring everything types of styles, creating sessions for the friends and mixing in parties between among theirs.
At the age of 18 determined to give the jump, he began to find his style in the house, with sounds more calm, dance, with very much rithm and with great aptitude to transmit good musical taste. From here to be a point and new paragraph for him.
A today with the arrival of new musical changes we can say that he has found his your style with electronic sounds, this chameleonic dj capable of creating with taste a meeting style more commercial but with selective music up to coming to a techno minimal more darkly and forceful, that it will be here where he finds his your real taste for the music.
There has mixing for many clubs in the Valencia community, from Friends club to Distrito(perelló), residence in Esperiens, Espai club (Gandia), Goa, Underclub, Shiroko, 5moons (Castellon),Static club (Sueca), The Luxe (Albacete)... Nowadays this one overturned in the electronic musical production, in which he longs for his your opportunity to extract his first vinyl.