I am the vine, you are the branches. If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing. John 15:5Up until several years ago, I just traveled when called up on to minister, several people asked for tapes/cds, minister/business cards and wanted to know if I had a website, and my answer was no. I didn't have anything, just the Word in me,my Bible and a good testimony. Some of my close friends suggested I "put myself out there", but I didn't agree, I went with the scripture, "..my gifts would make room for me and bring me before great men and women.." But then I started looking at it and I went into prayer and asking my spiritual mentor and after much prayer and opportunities, God spoke.Almost 7 years ago, a woman gave me the nickname of Ms. Unique, she stated she had never met anyone like me. After hearing that name, it stuck with me, because that is how I viewed myself for so many years.. trying to fit in, trying to get people to accept me for "me". Even after trying to fit in, I still stood out.After much praying and seeking God for a ministry name, He gave me the name Uniquely DiVine Ministry of Christ. Unique that I am, divine because the name proceeded directly from God, ministry is the heart to serve and it's all about Christ. The scripture that was on my heart was John 15:5, without Christ, I am nothing, I can do nothing and as long as I am in Him I will forever prosper.