Matt profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

Training, MMA, diets, health food, drum sets, getting hyphy, fucking authority, meditation, zen, working on goals, playing Wizard, pictures, stand up comedy, bookstores, tattoos, just the right music, investment strategies, rotating priorities, deep talks with the boys, traveling, the night life...

My Interests

Do what others are not willing to do and you can have what they cannot.


MURS, Anti-Flag, Weezy Fucking Baby, SOJA, 50, Dead Prez, INCUBUS, Ooklah, Nuff Said, pretty much anything from the Yay Area, Nas, Eminem, Fabolous.


The Big Lebowski|Boondock Saints|Pulp Fiction|Blow|Goodfellas|Snatch|Wonderland


Secrets of the Millionaire Mindthe Complete Idiots Guide to Zen Buddhismthe Millionaire Real Estate Investor10 Fun Things to do Before You Die