Here We Go....I like Drum n Bass alot...i produce Drum n Bass alot (plus Nasty Dubstep and Obliterating Electro-House) my tracks on the radio a few times, which is what its all about;)...I like Ribena (its nice)...I dont have a watch, I decide what time it is..haha...College takes a lot of my time...studying Law and all that...But the Girls are great...haha...only jokin...they fascinate me...and I fascinate them...(I Love It When You Flex Like That)....haha....I Love to read psychology I can gain a better understanding of social dynamics...and I like Socializing (one of the important things in life)...and I aim to Get On A Record Label By The Age Of 19...tour the world and all that...Plus I want to set the world record for the largest phone book in the world...have like 2000 contacts or something...(nearly there)...Oh Yeah...I want to make somebody's day a better day everyday that i leave my house...Even if it means... i wont say...;-)...haha...only kiddin....(but really)...{}
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