3D Animation, Sci-fi , Walk on the Beach , Movies , Motorcycles , Walks in the Park , Drawings and story writing,Playing RPG games , swimming , playing pool.
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s/flash/swflash.cab#version=8,0,0,0" width="420" height="349" id="putfile" align="middle"
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Linkin Park , all Rock and Roll , some New Age when call for when I do 3d work
All Star Wars , Batman , Lord of the Rings, the Abyss , Independance Day, All Sci-Fi Animation,Vampire movies , Mouse hunt , Porkys , Jeremiah, Final Fantasy, National Treasure , Star Trek , Alien 1, 2, 3, Alien Vs Predator, Patriot games, The Patriot, The Godfather 1,2,3, War of the worlds, Clerks , Jaws, The Stand , Salams Lot. In to the West ,War of the Worlds , The Stand , The Hobbit .
Farscape, Grays Anatomy , Lost , Star Trek , ER, Battlestar Galatica , The Tripods , Doctor Who , Stargate . Space 1999 , Star Trek TNG , Charm , Futurama, Aqua teen hunger, Family guy , more to come
My Father