Never stand between a dog and the hydrant! profile picture

Never stand between a dog and the hydrant!

I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

About Me

Ok, I'm 18 years old, 5'2" short, brown hair(although is changes often, lol) that's mostly medium-length, green eyes... I'm hot =D Ha ha, just ask me, I'll tell you, lol... my favorite colors are Pink, Black, white, and Red, and those are the colors that mostly make up my wardrobe, lol... and my room along with everything in my room =D Well, I love to read, sing, and dance =D I'm taking Hip Hop this semester at CEU =D I REALLY love it!!! Anyway, overall, I'm a happy person =D My best friend is Stephanie Morash =D She's hilarious all the time... especially at 5:30 in the morning at work =D lol We both like our hot chocolate the same way, lol... with a little bit if ice and French Vanilla creamer =D I't AMAZING! You should try it =D I LOVE NAUVOO!!! It is beautiful and while I was there with the Price Institute, it was the perfect temperature all day long for the 3 days we stayed =D If you wanna know anything else about me, then just ask... message me or comment me, either way, it works =D -----------------------------------------------------------

Time Well Spent


Take this survey

Have you ever been bit by a spider? yes
Have you ever written a song or a poem about one of your ex's? yes, lol
Would you ever go on a camping trip without your cellphone? NO!!! What if I went hiking on the camping trip and get lost or die? lol, I can't go more than a couple hours before I FREAK OUT!!!
What shoes do you wear most often? my new "G" sneakers, lol, they're comfortable and "gangsta" lol
Do you have a cat? yes =D
Have you ever touched a frog? yes, lol
Do you smoke? not anymore!!!!!! =D
How often do you chew gum? at least 3 times a week, but usually every day, lol
Name 5 bad things that happen when you have a baby: 5-you get stretch marks, 4-your ankles swell, 3-you're emotional/mean, 2-you will have to change diapers, and 1-you spend ALL of your money on them
Are your parents divorced? nope, they've been together for like 30 years or something and are as in love as ever
Have you ever been to court? once, because I couldn't pay my first speeding ticket, lol, so I had to work off hours
Ever been skiing? no
Favorite food? Chow Mein =D and Mexican food and Italian food, and anhything edible, lol
Favorite video game? Karaoke Revolution Party =D
Favorite computer game? Kgnighthood... which is an application game on Facebook
Favorite word? AMAZING!!!
Is myspace your only obbsession? no, I have a healthy obsession with Mormon Boys, lol =D
Is Tila Tequila your friend on MySpace? no, lol, I've never tried to add her
Has anyone ever asked you if you like to kill people? lol, no
Have you ever drank Faygo Soda? no...?
Would you ever join a gang? no, I don't think a good initiation to anything should be getting beat up, lol
Are you lazy? nope, but I do procrastinate, which is a WHOLE other thing...
Can you cook? yes =D
What annoys you right now? hypocrits
What kinda internet connection do you have? wireless
Describe your dream car. .....don't have one, lol
Do you know how to sew? yes
What's your favorite fast food place? McDonald's, lol, it has Snack Wraps...
You are in Iraq---What do you do? run and hide!!! lol
Do you shop at k-mart? no, Wal-Mart is cheaper... always
Do you have any disorders? ha ha, not sure... possibly some sort of sleep disorder...
Desribe your parents. My mom is AMAZING!!! She's short and stout but she is the most lovable person in the UNIVERSE!!!... My dad's nice...
Do you count with your finger when doing simple math? no, of course not, that would be dumb, lol
Is Dr.pepper everybody's favorite soda? YES!!! I'm sure it is! lol
What is better-- Clowns or Snakes? NEITHER!!! They are both creepy!!!
Can you count to 50 without breathing? probably, lol, I talk really fast, lol
Did you just try to? nope, lol
Have you ever been in a commercial? no
Do you like chow mein? YES!!! My favorite food in the UNIVERSE!!!
What color are your fingernails? the color of fingernails, lol, they're naked
You like anal don't you? no
Do I need to stop asking questions so you can go pee? nope
Do you need something to drink? nope
Do you know any hookers? nope
Do you know anybody who paints their face? ha ha, yes
Favorite boy name? Joel
Favorite girl name? Jewel
Why are you emo? ha ha, I'm not emo!!! I'm a happy person =D
I Know I ask too many questions..but are you gay? nope
Do you have any friends that are gay? yes
Do you shave your legs? yes
Are you a boy or a girl? girl... or am I? lol
Are you sure you're not gay? yup
Ever kiss a teacher? my mom on the cheek, lol
Ever kiss an animal on the mouth? ha ha, nope
How old were you when u found out about myspace? 17
What do you think of war? huh! what is it good for? absolutely nothin'! Say it again!
What was the last thing that fell into the toilet? ... my dad's toothbrush...
Would you ever dye your hair neon green? yes, lol, but only if one of my friends did it, lol
What was one thing that you wish you could take back? smoking and drinking... it never helped with anything in my life!!!
Have you ever been pregnant or gotten somebody else pregnant? nope
Who is Ashley Tisdale? she's the annoying blond from High School Musical, lol, yes, I love that movie =D
What color are your eyes? green
Do you like when water splashes on your face? only if I'm on a ride at an amusement park, lol
Ever been on a roller coaster? YES!!!!!!!!!
Do you always use a coaster for your drink? never
Are you a superstar? sometimes, lol =D

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My Story


Finish the sentence:

Hi, my name is: Jaimie Scoville
Never in my life have I been: skydiving
The one person who can drive me nuts is: my sister Brianna
High school: Carbon High
When I'm nervous: I transfer my weight from one leg to the other a lot... play with my nails... and hair...
The last song I listened to was: Let it Be~The Beatles =D
If I were to get married right now my best man/maid of honor: My Maid of Honor would be Stephanie Morash =D
My hair is: multi-colored... like from brown to blond... and about 4 inches below my shoulders
When I was 5:. I didn't have a care in the world and I saw everyone as the same... except my wonder woman mom =D
Last Christmas: was AWESOME cuz I got a REALLY cool camera =D
I should be.. sleeping, lol
When I look down I see: my chest and then my feet, lol
The happiest recent event was: going to Munch 'n' Mingle Sunday
If I were a character on 'Friends' I'd be: Pheobe, lol a little bit out there =D
By this time next year: I'll be ready to graduate from CEU =D
My current gripe is: work sucks, lol
I have a hard time understanding: some guys, lol
There's this girl I know that: is AWESOME!!! lol Steph =D
You know I like you when: I blush every time you look at me
If I won an award, the first person I would tell would be: my mommy =D
Take my advice: Don't smoke... or drink...
The thing I want to buy: currently I have everything I need, actually... possibly a better car
If you visited the place I was born: you would think it's REALLY small!!!
I plan to visit: Orlando
If you spent the night at my house: you would have to be quiet from about 10 until about 10 or 11 in the morning, lol
I'd stop my wedding if: I found out that he cheated
The world could do without: hipocrisy
I'd rather lick the belly of a cockroach than: no, I wouldn't rather lick the belly of a cockroach than anything at all!!!
Most recent thing I've bought myself: another swimsuit, lol
Most recent thing someone else bought me: lunch
My favorite blonde is: This really cute guy from my ward =*D
My favorite brunette is: My best friend~Steph
My favorite black hair is: My friend Octavio
My middle name is.. Lynn
In the morning I: get dressed, eat, brush my teeth(I shower at night)
The animals I would like to see flying besides birds are: horses
Once, at a bar: I've never been to a bar
Last night I was: at Munch 'n' Mingle
There's this guy I know who: is in my ward and is really cute
If I was an animal I'd be: a cat
A better name for me would be: Jaimie, lol
Tomorrow I am: going to classes and then to rehearsal
Tonight I am: going to sleep
My birthday is: September 8, 1989

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Time To Tell The Truth



1. If you won the lottery, what would you do with the money? frirst, pay for my schooling, then buy a house, then a car, then give my parents money enough to pay their bills for a year, then save the rest =D
2. If you found out the world was coming to an end, who's the 1 person you'd want to spend it with? my mom
3. Who do you think will become our next president? McCain, although I'd rather have Obama
4. If you found out you were dying, who would you tell first? my mom
5. If you're single with no children, and you meet someone who has children, would you date them? yes
6. You find a 0 bill on the ground and saw the person who dropped it. Do you attempt to return it or keep it? return it
7. Who should say "I love you" first: the man or the woman? most would say the woman, but in my experience, the man does
8. You're going on vacation and you can only bring one item. What is it? my cell phone
9. Do you believe in the whole "if life hands you lemons, make lemonade" saying? yes, although it's a hard saying to follow
10. If you're in a bad relationship, how do you end it? you just kick the jerk to the curb


11. Today I will: dance
12. My favorite color is: pink, red, purple, and black
13. Life: is AMAZING!!!
14. The weather: has been really awesome lately
15. My job: sucks
16. I love: my friends =D
17. My favorite food is: Chow Mein
18. The best movie ever is: Rent
19. Time: passes
20. The best part of my day is: the time I'm with my friends =D


21. Chocolate or Vanilla? chocolate
22. Sweet or Salty? salty
23. Soft or Crunchy? depends... peanut butter needs to be crunchy
24. Quiet or Loud? depends, lol, I'm usually loud, but I need my quiet time
25. Happy or Sad? happy =D
26. Single or Taken? single, unfortunately
27. Coffee or Tea? neither
28. Coke or Pepsi? pepsi, but I'd rather Dr. Pepper
29. Wal-Mart or Target? Target
30. Small town or Big city? I've always lived in a small town, so I don't know about big cities

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Advanced Global Personality Test Results
Extraversion |||||||||||||||||| 73%
Stability |||||||||||||||| 70%
Orderliness |||||||||| 40%
Accommodation |||||||||||||||| 63%
Interdependence |||||| 30%
Intellectual |||||||||||||| 56%
Mystical || 10%
Artistic |||||||||||||||| 70%
Religious |||||| 23%
Hedonism |||||||||||||| 56%
Materialism |||||| 23%
Narcissism |||||||||||| 50%
Adventurousness |||||||||||||||| 70%
Work ethic |||||||||||| 50%
Self absorbed |||||||||| 36%
Conflict seeking |||||||||| 36%
Need to dominate |||||||||| 36%
Romantic |||||||||||| 43%
Avoidant |||||| 23%
Anti-authority |||||||||||| 50%
Wealth |||||| 23%
Dependency |||||||||| 36%
Change averse |||||| 30%
Cautiousness |||||||||| 36%
Individuality |||||||||||||||||| 76%
Sexuality |||||||||||||||||||| 83%
Peter pan complex |||||||||| 36%
Physical security |||||||||||||||| 63%
Physical Fitness |||||||||||| 44%
Histrionic |||||||||||||| 56%
Paranoia |||||||||| 36%
Vanity |||||||||||| 50%
Hypersensitivity |||||| 23%
Indie |||||||||||||| 58% Take Free Advanced Global Personality Test
personality test by ----------------------------------------------------------- Visit the Victim Effect web site ------------------------------------------------------------ -----------------------------------------------------------
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My Interests

I love to Dance and Sing, mostly dance =D Latin Dance is my FAVORITE!!!~~For those of you who don't know what that means, it includes The Tango, The Cumbia, The Cha Cha, Reggaeton, The Rumba, and there are a few more, but I can't remember them all, lol Ms. Pac Man
PacMan Flash Games & Online Games ----------------------------------------------------------- Singing, dancing
MyHotComments , I like music of all kinds, EXCEPT... for some country orany bluegrass.

What Highschool Clique Do You Belong To?
created with
You scored as Punk






Emo Kid
















I'd like to meet:

Friends with similar interests =D AND anyone in the gay community =D I'm a "fag hag", what can I say? lol They're great shopping buddies =D
Support love. ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm........ I wanna meet........ David Archuletta =D American Idol Season 7 WINNER!!! I'm SURE it'll happen!!! Johnny Depp Orlando Bloom Kiera Knightly Kat Von D Sabra from SYTYCD~So You Think You Can Dance =D Amy Winehouse Kelly Clarkson Jordin Sparks KT Tunstall Hilary Duff Ashanti Shakira Beyonce All of Cherish =D Soulja Boy Jessica Alba Vin Diesel Paul Walker Michelle Rodriguez Ryan Phillipe Ewan McGregor Natalie Portman Hayden Christensen Jessica Beil Halle Berry Viggo Mortensen Cate Blanchett Bam Margera Steve-O Johnny Knoxville AND many more =D I love many people =D


Victim Effect!!!!!!!!- Because they're FRIGGIN' AWESOME!!!! I also like just about anything alternative/indie =D Hip Hop, mostly because it's the easiest to dance to, Rap, Pop, R&B, Swing again because I can somewhat dance to it, better a few years ago than now, Gospel because it's upbeat and the soloist is usually REALLY good, and I like some classical because I like the harmony.
Huey is my favorite artist besides Victim Effect because he got every one doin' the
Profile Graphics -
Gotta Love a guy with a TATTOO!!! =) Isn't Chris Brown so beautiful????? =)=)=)=) Bobby Valentino is SEXY!!!!!!!! Omarion has a TAT! =) gotta love Bubba Sparxx! I LOVE Ashanti!!! I love me some Chingy!!! =)=)=)=)=)=)=)=) I also love me some Diddy!! Love the Tattoos! B2K is Hot! These girls is Bangin'!!!!!! I wanna Play with The Game =)


One Word: RENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What can I say? It's AMAZING!!!!! And the MUSIC!!!!!!! OMG!!! It's Heaven in movie form, lol =D I like romantic comedies for obvious reasons, psychological thrillers because they scare the CRAP out of me and I like the adrenaline, regular comedies for obvious reasons, and specialty music and dance movies.. He's SEXXXY!!!!!!!!


My favorite shows are Queer as Folk, American Idol, So You Think You Can Dance, Smallville, Kyle XY, Grey's Anatomy(who doesn't love Grey's Anatomy??????), Scrubs, Wildfire, Charmed, Law & Order: Criminal Intent, and several others. Usually whatever's on when I get home from a long day at school(or at work)... The Girls Next Door is a favorite of mine =)


OMG!!!!!!!! New favorite books~~~Twilight, New Moon, and Eclipse!!!!! Amazing series =D I like romance novels and fantasy fiction novels. My most favorite books are by Laurell K. Hamilton. They are fantasy fiction action romance novels and they are ALL awesome books.


My mommy! And my friends! They are AMAZING!!! And the pioneers! I honestly appreciate everything they had to do to get here!

My Blog

Cry Me a River - Acappella I love a capella music =D It shows off the voice a lot more than any kind of music =D...
Posted by Never stand between a dog and the hydrant! on Thu, 01 May 2008 03:19:00 PST

Noteworthy- Black Horse & A Cherry Tree Ok, so I'm getting to like BYU more and more every day =D...
Posted by Never stand between a dog and the hydrant! on Tue, 15 Apr 2008 01:19:00 PST

BYU Vocal Point - No Not Much I love Forever Plaid and they definitely do them justice in this one =D They are SO funny! =D...
Posted by Never stand between a dog and the hydrant! on Tue, 15 Apr 2008 01:11:00 PST

BYU Vocal Point - No Not Much I love Forever Plaid and they definitely do them justice in this one =D They are SO funny! =D...
Posted by Never stand between a dog and the hydrant! on Tue, 15 Apr 2008 01:11:00 PST

BYU Vocal Point - Spider-Man I really love these guys!...
Posted by Never stand between a dog and the hydrant! on Tue, 15 Apr 2008 01:05:00 PST

BYU Vocal Point - Thriller These guys are SO cool!...
Posted by Never stand between a dog and the hydrant! on Tue, 15 Apr 2008 12:57:00 PST

[A Capella] Accafellas singing "Breakfast at Tiffany's" I love a capella singers =D Especially if it's a bunch of guys =D And I really love this song =D...
Posted by Never stand between a dog and the hydrant! on Tue, 15 Apr 2008 12:50:00 PST

MY kind of party/MY nightlife now =D

    So I started to go to my church activities about a month ago =D...  One of the most fun activities is "Munch ’n’ Mingle" on Sunday nights =D  It’s like a...
Posted by Never stand between a dog and the hydrant! on Mon, 31 Mar 2008 10:38:00 PST

My <b>OLD</b> blogs...

lol, so I’m kind of a pack rat... like I keep EVERYTHING!!! lolI’m the same way with my blogs...  I keep my old blogs so that if anyone wants to know how I used to be and what I used ...
Posted by Never stand between a dog and the hydrant! on Mon, 31 Mar 2008 10:22:00 PST


   So I was minding my own business, looking up music and I just had to look up Utah religious bands and the first major label was Jesse Clark Funk...  So I’m listening to the son...
Posted by Never stand between a dog and the hydrant! on Sat, 29 Mar 2008 11:08:00 PST