I'd like to meet:
About Me
First Name: shareka
Middle Name: shar..ve
Birthday: 2/27/89
Eyes: DrkBrwn
Hair: Brwn&Gld
Fav color: *purple*
Day/Night: ((*nite
Fave Food: noodlez
Do you ever wish you had another name? no, not really
Do you like anyone? yeah!
Which one of your friends acts the most like you? IDK!
Who's the loudest? Jody*
Who have you known the longest of your friends? My nigga, Jody-Jo!
Who's the shyest: me!
Are you close to any family members? yes, i am
When you cried the most: wen I started middle school
What's the best feeling in the world: *SUCCESS!
Worst Feeling: Dat time of da month
Let's walk on the: grass
Let's run through: the rain
Let's look at the: starz
What a nice: smile
Where did all the: l.o.v.e. Go?!?
Why can't you: jus be mine?
Silly, little: monkey!
Tell me: u want me 2!
Ran away from home: nope
Pictured your crush naked: yes, i did n i'll do it agan!
Skipped school: no
Broken someone's heart: im not sure
Been in love: yep
Cried when someone died: yeah
Wanted someone you knew you couldn't have: very much so!
Done something embarrassing: yeah i wuz born 4 dat!
Done a drug: never
Cried in school: plenty of tymz
Your Good Luck Charm: dnt thnk i hav 1
Person You Hate Most: ....
Best Thing That Has Happened: not gona tell
Ice Cream: vanilla, cookiesNcream, Birthday cake icecream
WHO Makes you laugh the most: big brotha-Ques, friend-Keith, ex boyfriend-Thomas
Has A Crush On You: Nobody, that i kno of
Do You Have A Crush On Someone: yes! : ^ )
Fallen for your best friend?: no, but iv fallen 4 her ex!
Made out with JUST a friend?: no
Kissed two people in the same day?: yeah
Had sex with two different people in the same day?: no
Been rejected: not yet
Been in love?: i am ryt now!
Been used?: yeah, n it hurts
Done something you regret?: yeah
Cheated on someone?: no
Been called a tease: yep
You touched?: lil sis Lay-Cake
You talked to on the phone?: jody
You hugged?: my grandma
You instant messaged?: nobdy
You kissed?: cindy
You yelled at?: lil brotha bump
Who text messaged you?: jody
Who broke your heart?: itz never been broken
Who told you they loved you?: ct? Thomas
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Myspace Layouts For Girls Only - MyGirlySpace.com One day, I'd like to meet Alexis&Fido. They are a hot Reggaeton duo known as Los Reyas Del Perreo! (The Kings Of Perreo) PERREO is when you dance to Reggaeton really close and sexual like. I'll dance Perreo with Alexis any day, he so sexy. LATINOS STAND UP! I'd like to meet Tyrese Gibson umh umh mmmm! I don't eat CHOCOLATE but with him I will make an acception :-p! I'd love to meet Mo..nique a.k.a. Nikki Parker from the TV show "The Parkers" She is very insperational to me and others. Plus, people tell me that I remind them of her sometimes.
Your Best Friend
Whos your Best Friend?
Name- Jody Michele Seigh
Birthday- Jan. 19, 1989
Where do they live- Littleton/Roanoke Rapids
How did you meet- In eighth grade @ Davie Middle
Do they have siblings? Hell yea! Ten Including me
About them..
Any Quotes? .."Whachu Say Bout My Mama.."
Black or white? Her Black-ass is Italian/Indian/White
Favorite drink- Kool-Aid and Water
Favorite movie- All 3 Friday movies
Favorite Food- Fried Chicken/Spaghetti
Best memory Anytime Im with her
Worst memory Whenever We..'er apart
How often
Do you see this person? Not much! :..' ^(
Call this person in one day? Maybe twice a day
Stay the night with this person? Three or four nights a week .."if i get 2 see her.."
Do you yell at this person? Only 4 when we..'er playn
If you...
Only had 24 hours left with this person Oh God! I cant talk about that
Couldnt talk to them anymore- Cant talk bout that either!
Had to say one last thing to them You My Best Bitch For Lyf. I LOVE YOU!
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