~~~About us !!!~~~
We are Frightened Sellers Street Team...The Basement Dwellers. Enchanted by the heartfelt lyrics, breathtaking piano/keyboard playing and passionate stage performance of Frightened Seller-James Wilson himself we have created this page for your listening pleasure.
We look forward to your support of this amazing musician and hope you enjoy your stay with us.
Enchantingly Yours,
The Basement Dwellers
~~~About Frightened Seller~~~
Frightened Seller is a melodic, narrative post rock band from Brooklyn. The band is comprised of singer/songwriter/pianist James Wilson, drummer Ben Roberts, violinist Mim Readling, and bassist Ezra Pugh. Songwriter James Wilson's lyrics meander from the fantastical realm to scenes snatched from his life. The dark fantasies of the lyrics are heightened by the languorous melancholy of the violin and the low, guttural growl of the bass. This dark atmosphere created by violin and bass is layered over with a driving drum beat and a piano that moves from chilling minor chords to upbeat pop rhythms. The sound is not quite goth or pop, but blends into a melodious cacophony that captivates and enthralls.Special thanks to our writer/stylist/publicist/bff Pam Dewey for writing this.Booking:[email protected]
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