• Stevan Karanac™ • profile picture

• Stevan Karanac™ •

About Me

I was born on the 21st of July 1986 in Kragujevac ( Serbia ), It was Monday, hot summer night,04:05 AM… I attended two lower, and a Second Technical school in Kragujevac, started a faculty ,but some other things were more important in that moment so I quit it, even though I’m not a quitter … In the third grade of a lower school my teacher perceived that I have a talent for music ,playing and singing, writing and painting ,so I started to experiment with various things… As a result of my good performance afore of school audience nobody noticed that I am not attending no classes in Musical school, so I was too late to become a student of a piano or a violin, which were my choices , so I started to attend classes of a Horn ( known as French Horn ) , and that was a great new experience… Unfortunately, a have no diploma for this instrument because my professor went to work in Novi Sad, and no one else could continue his work … Meanwhile I attended Latino- American dances and started winning some competition ,but because of “ muddy business “ I stopped attending those classes… Later I wanted to attend Karate , and I win a World cup of a Hachi o Kai federation 2005.year that was in Subotica that year… after world cup, my trainer went to a retirement, so that was stopped too … In the same time I was attending a folklore dance lesions in a cultural – artistic group , which came apart , if u can believe it .We had some tours in Serbia and Macedonia, when I was there, but because I advanced quickly from third team to first I had no rights to go some other tours, which were for the firs team, but for older members only … When that group stopped working, I started working in another one, as a teacher I a few Lower schools , and I guided a children orchestra that should performance with a dancing group… I quit that job because of a dirty jobs in a group , again… Whatever happened my only true passion never stopped … I wrote first pop song at age of 11, and never stopped since… in that time, until 2004. all songs were in my head, and then I started to record them, just not to forget…But around 10 to 15 themes and songs I couldn’t remember because in the most important time I had no equipment to register down an idea … Now I use more talent than equipment to record, to make a sound, a song of ideas, and I started to do more than for my ears only, and quickly people started to pay attention on my work… First one, Stefan Savic , who wanted to buy one of my songs , for a surprise became my best friend, and we started working together… for a first time when I extricated my best to make an instrumental for recording , it was totally destroyed by the bad studio work … So we changed studio, learned something about studio work , and as a last , but not final result of our knowledge, we recorded a ” full – job “ song “ One More Chance “ – (Jos Jedna Sansa), that was rejected on a competition for a National song selection for Eurovision song contest called “Beovizija”… Luckily, songs that passed are obviously … let’s just say that it was not a shame for us not to enter on Beovizija 2008 … Now I have few studio recorded songs, from different courses , and I continue my work , trying hard to be just better and better . Cooperation with Stefan Savic is maintaining and we will try to do something different, better , unusual in every way… and you will hear about it one way or another :) As a surprice,first public work is my first hip hop song "Why don't you", written for Vanya,a friend from myspece :) - song is preformed on international music festival Panmusic in Pancevo ,Serbia on the 29.08.2008. I hope i'll have more and more opportunities to show my work to public...

My Interests


Member Since: 14/05/2007
Band Website: [email protected] [email protected]
Band Members: Karanac Stevan - for composing, writing lyrics, producing, back vocals, piano, harmonica and horn... Working with various vocalists.
Influences: Sergio Galoyan
Sounds Like: ... in original electronica,soft rock,pop rock with some influences of hip hop or reggaeton... Working on various projects,as dance,pop, hip hop, folk, reggaeton,always having my recognizable sound.
Record Label: Unsigned

My Blog

New Project with Arthur Primac, Ana Ivkov and Vanya ! ( including me and Artyom Avaun )

First thing this year,on January 5th, Vanya ( Vanja Jeftic,a singer from Novi Sad ) came to Kragujevac once more,to record a song by Arthur Primac , a talented composer who lives and works in Russia...
Posted by on Fri, 09 Jan 2009 11:30:00 GMT

Its so hard and I so like it! ( preparation of Dream Boy )

I'm preparing new song for recording at the moment... These are last hours when I can fix last mistake if there is any... And for past few hours I was making a support for back vocals,becouse i wont s...
Posted by on Thu, 02 Oct 2008 02:45:00 GMT

Cooperation with Vanya

As a composer,songwriter or whatever you wanna call it i cooperate with various artists who are recording my songs... One of them is Vanya (  http://www.myspace.com/vanya021  ) . I started t...
Posted by on Sat, 07 Jun 2008 04:12:00 GMT

Iz opanaka u Terra Novu ( a koji ce meni k**** Zara )

Jeste li Srbija samo jedna mala zemlja seljaka na brdovitom Balkanu, ili se tu,kao iza blatnjavog lica jedne seljancice, kriju neotkrivene lepote - zemlje I ljudi&? Mozda zemlje, posto su ljudi sve vi...
Posted by on Tue, 26 Feb 2008 13:30:00 GMT