Anyone that knows we're Mexican Hairless (Xoloitzcuintli) & doesn't confuse us with chinese cresteds or hairless chihuahuas!!! A pair of Xoloitzcuintli was given (as a gift) to the emperor of China in the late 1700's, and they bred their own type of hairless--the Chinese Crested. But, for the record, We Came First! To date, we've only met one crested, and she was coated (a powder-puff) crested, who was unsociable, neurotic, yappy, & generally dismal! We hope they're not all like that, because they sure are cute! People say Kelso's momma looks alot like a crested...But she's not! We (her & i) are the very very VERY rare ones...Most Xolo's come out with the black skin & hair (like Eliza) or virtually hairless (like Happy Laughter--although, he has peach fuzz on his head & hair on his ears, tail, and toes!), but we have brown skin & long blonde/reddish hair. We're also toy sized (less than 12 lbs), & people aren't used to seeing such small Xolo's--All the more rare!