The story so far...
In March 2005 a group of 5 friends from Bolton (Horwich & Blackrod) who shared an interest in good music, decided to get together and see what they could come up with. After years of gigging with previous bands, school friends Adam Quinn, Dale Charlton, Jon Wilkes, Phil Alstead & Sam Goulding decided it was time for them to make the music that they love. After many long practices the band wrote and recorded 5 songs for their first EP within a month and LAST CHANCE were born.
May '05 saw Last Chance take to the stage with a performance at Horwich Leisure Centre. Since then the band have gained a strong local fanbase who often pack out their shows and show the same enthusiasm for the songs as the band do. Last Chance have also recently supported well establised acts Reverend And The Makers & The Wombats on their recent UK tour.
In their 2 and a half years together the band have written and recorded the following EP's:
Stage Fright (2005)
1. Think Fast
2. Work It Out
3. First Things First
4. Time Is On My Side
5. When Will You
The tracks from this EP are available to download or stream from HERE
Timing Is Everything (2006)
6. Too Late
7. Long Ride Home
8. Things About Me
9. Another Opportunity
10. Gravity
11. Memory Loss (Acoustic Bonus Track)
Tonight She Came Along (2007)
12. Keep On It
13. Can You Hear Me?
14. Destroy The Future
15. Looking For The Light
The band are currently writing material for their fourth EP which is due out in the summer of '08. Keep up-to-date with latest gig dates by checking back to this page!