About Me
The Group “Saga Nostra†started out in early 1999 in Sarajevo, Bosnia-Herzegovina. Group members are: Da Word (Ivan Saric), Kemin (Jasmin Cengic) and Nox (Mirza Tahirovic). The group members are responsible for every aspect of the music: they produce their own songs, create instrumentals, write their own lyrics, record vocals etc. Only the postproduction and the editing are done without the direct influence of the group members. “Saga Nostra†debuted on the Bosnian music scene in 2001 with the introduction of their demo tapes, perform-ances and their first video. This work left them in a position of dominance in the Sarajevo underground hip hop scene. Up until now the group has performed at various events, clubs and festivals in the capitol city of Bosnia-Herzegovina as well as in other cities throughout the home country. Their message started to spread out with a gig in Croatia, two shows in Hungary and a gig in Greece and now the voice of “Saga Nostra†is broadcasting beyond all borders. “Saga Nostra†currently collaborates with the rock band “The Last Location†who support “Saga Nostra†during live performances. “Saga Nostra†is also working together with “UTR Crew†from Sarajevo and together they form the “Association of the urban culture N.E.K.Oâ€. N.E.K.O.’s goal is to raise the public’s awareness of urban culture, whether it’s music, visual art, literature or whatever else emerges from the city streets…Grupa «Saga Nostra» je nastala pocetkom 1999 god. u Sarajevu. Clanovi grupe: Da Word (Ivan Saric), Kemin (Jasmin Cengic ) i Nox (Mirza Tahirovic). Oni su odgovorni za sav stvaralacki rad grupe: produkcija pjesama, smi..ljaju aran..mane, stvaraju instrumentale, pisu tekstove pjesama, snimaju vokale... Postprodukcija,editing i masering je jedini dio posla koji se zavrsava bez direktnog uticaja clanova grupe. «Saga Nostra» se prvi put BiH muzickoj sceni predstavlja 2001 godine sa svojim demo tapeovima, nastupima, prvim spotom... Time grupa stice dominaciju na Sarajevskoj undergound hip-hop sceni. Do sada je «Saga Nostra» nastupala na mnogim eventima glavnog grada BiH, kao i ostalim gradovima sirom svoje drzave. Osim nastupa klubskog karaktera, grupa biljezi i brojne nastupe festivalskoga karaktera. Sa svojim nastupom u Hrvatskoj, dva nastupa u Madjarskoj, i nastupom u Grckoj «Saga Nostra» svoje djelovanje siri i izvan granica BiH. «Saga Nostra» aktivno suradjuje sa rock grupom « The Last Location », koja ujedno predstavlja i prateci bend «Saga Nostre» na live actovima. «Saga Nostra» 2005 godine zajedno sa «UTR crew-om» iz Sarajeva, formira «Udruzenje gradjana urbane kulture N.E.K.O.». Osnovni cilj ovoga udruzenja jeste budjenje svjesti urbane kulture u BiH, bilo to u polju muzike, likovne umjetnosti, knjizevnosti...